Yes have you ever honestly, had Jehovah ansure your prayer in a way that told you it was from him and not some trick of a wanting heart?
Have you ever honestly had Jehovah ansure your prayer?
by Singing Man 38 Replies latest watchtower scandals
I guess that I was not "blessed" enough for the witnesses.
No, never.
I always think things like that are just how you interpret it and many of the examples and experiences of Jehovah blessing someone are nothing of the sort. You know the ones at the assembly:
Interviewee: "Well, I prayed to Jehovah that I would get a job and after 6 months of searching and 2843 applications he finally blessed us and I became a part-time janitor ..."
Interviewer: "Isn't that wonderful brothers?" (pause, silence) "Isn't it brothers?!" (more forceful, muffled applause)
Now, I'd be more impressed if someone was praying and then there was a knock at the door and someone they didn't know had walked up to the nth floor of their building and randomly offered them a job.
Strange how religious people want to give all the credit for anything positive happening to god and then absolve him of any responsibility for all the bad things.
... but if Britney ever turned up naked then I'd reconsider my whole religious outlook
And I got totally sick of all those holier-than-thou brothers and sister telling me that if only I prayed with sincerity, Jehovah would listen. What?!!
Blue Bubblegum Girl
And isn't that part of the mind control, Vivamus? How anything that goes wrong is IMMEDIATELY your fault, you worthless sick woman! You must be doing something wrong... give me a break.
Does god answer prayers? I got out of the WTBTS, so I guess he/she looks out for me, LOL! (just kidding)_
And I got totally sick of all those holier-than-thou brothers and sister telling me that if only I prayed with sincerity, Jehovah would listen. What?!!
Spot on -
When a publisher is killed or injured whilst out on the work - have they not prayed enough - has someone not filled their prayer quota so this individual or individuals has to suffer the consequences? Same point as those in the "Truth" who regularly blame 'Satan' for any problems or issues they face - He must be very busy to hand out so many minor difficulties to the JWs - No Jehovah has not answered (or even heard?) my prayers and Stan ( or more correctly Satan - must take a touch typing course ) is not to blame for everything bad (except perhaps the WT which must be one of his tools)
What are the most sick-making "answered-prayer" experiences you have heard ??
A friend told me this one from her assembly - " Brother & Sister Righteous were being evicted at 12:00 (WHY?) and had no home (WHY? what stopped them going to estate agents ?) but decided to 'support the group' and go in field service (WHY?) - at the field service meeting Sister Rich remembered she just happened to have a small 4 bedroom house stood empty and SURPRISE SURPRISE _ Bro & Sis Righteous could move in today AND FOR LESS RENT THAN THEY WERE PAYING - AND IN A MUCH NICER AREA- the moral - if they had not gone on the work they would have been homeless! From what I heard the audience erupted into the usual hysterical applause as they responded o this drivel. Hearing that is one of the things which made me decide to get out while I could still think for myself.
I'll probably get flamed for this, but my prayers have had effect. Once when I was being picked on in middle school, I was in the locker room getting dressed, and almost wished the ceiling would collapse and kill me. I didn't feel like I could go on, and started saying a silent prayer inside my head. At that moment, an amazing sense of peace filled me, and I felt like everything would be okay, even though I still felt horrible. My sense of being lost and alone there at that school vanished, and there was sense of being content with were I was at the time, though it soon faded. It's hard to describe, feeling peaceful when you've never been more unhappy. This happened several other times, though to a much lesser extent.
Thinking back on to those days, my thoughts when I said that prayer were somehow different than what they normally were. I didn't ask for Jehovah to end the situation, I would have felt selfish doing that, rather I asked for his spirit. I would not claim however, that my prayer was "answered", at least not in the sense of a finite God outside the universe miracolously helping me. No, it was much more complex than that, and at the same time much more simple as well. Even back then, I think my conception of God was different than most witnesses.
have you ever honestly, had Jehovah ansure your prayer in a way that told you it was from him and not some trick of a wanting heart?
Intresting question Singing Man.
I don't think there is anyway of knowing the answer to your above question for absolute sure. These supposed answers are either based on faith or not. Nobody has had Jehovah tell them...."this ones for you kid". There are countless of experiences in yearbooks and awake magazines in which ones have told that they were praying and a knock came to the door. Why....."it was Jehovah's Witnesses"!!!!!
Did Jehovah answer a prayer of someone, then lead them into a cult? Baptist and others have similar stories.
Think how many times a prayer was not answered in your life compared to those that were ? Which one wins? Jesus said if you asked in his name it would be given. I have asked for 100's of things in the past that were for a godly purpose, and it's hard to remember if there were even a handful of those prayers I THOUGHT were answered.