Have you ever honestly had Jehovah ansure your prayer?

by Singing Man 38 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • drwtsn32

    If there was truly an all powerful and loving God looking over us, why would he wait for us to beg him to do what should come naturally to him: help out humanity? What would you think of a doctor that could save the life of a little girl if he would only do it after being incessantly begged?

    Double Edge:

    but with others, there can be NO doubt.

    Can you please give me an example of one of your prayers that has been answered that could not possibly be a mere coincidence? How can you be so certain that it wouldn't have worked out that way even if you didn't pray?

    Well then that settles it.... no answered prayers for you.

    lol... well I have had several "good things" happen in my life, even seemingly amazing things. As a dub I would have attributed those events to God. But since leaving and abandoning all faith in God, I still have amazing things happen. I don't believe God has anything to do with the good or bad in our lives.


    No. YOU can't tell if my prayer was answered or not. I can.

    hehe... I didn't mean to indicate that I could tell if your prayer was answered or not. I was asserting that you cannot claim your prayer was answered. How can you be so certain that events would have turned out differently if you didn't pray?

    The fact that some atrocities happen doesn't prove anything...

    It shows that God is a bastard. See my point above about a doctor refusing to help out someone when he has the power.

    I still assert that there is no way you can prove that your prayers have been answered.

    But there's no reasoning here... most will claim that when a prayer is not answered it's because God knows what's best and answering your prayer would have been the wrong course of action. But when your prayer is answered it's solid proof that God is listening.

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge
    If there was truly an all powerful and loving God looking over us, why would he wait for us to beg him to do what should come naturally to him: help out humanity

    for one thing, I don't think humanity as a whole has the total gameplan of what the earth is all about. It like trying to figure out Baseball with a Football rule book.... of course nothing fits. We are trying to say what's what, or what should be and trying to make God into our own image of what we think He should be like. Well, continue on.... how's it working out for you so far?

    Can you please give me an example of one of your prayers that has been answered that could not possibly be a mere coincidence? How can you be so certain that it wouldn't have worked out that way even if you didn't pray

    Yes I could, but I'm not going to..... it involves an immediate answer to an accident that was about to happen, a voice, etc. etc.... like I said earlier, I learned when I first came on this board to keep personal things personal.... they don't add anything to the conversation and only bring about ridicule. (Go back in the archives to one of my earlier posts if you're that interested....it's in there somewheres) ... at the end of the day, it's a matter of faith.... not belief, but of active faith.... something that has to be constantly exercised, just like muscles or it atrophies into nothing.

  • gumby
    Yes I could, but I'm not going to..... it involves an immediate answer to an accident that was about to happen, a voice, etc. etc.... like I said earlier, I learned when I first came on this board to keep personal things personal.... they don't add anything to the conversation and only bring about ridicule

    Double Edge,

    I can't believe you are stupid enough to believe in some crazy story such as the one you explained! Good grief!

    Hey......did I get ya?

    I personally would like to hear what you have to say about such things. I could use some indication there is 'something" out there who cares and is watching. I've started threads about ghosts before, hoping to find some credible evidence for a spirit world. Many might ridicule......but oh well. I ridicule the bible god many times, but an authentic experience I hope I wouldn't ridicule. There are others here who claim similar stories as yours


  • SanFranciscoJim

    The only prayer I've ever had answered was, not to Jehovah, but to Gladys the Goddess of Parking Spaces:

    "Hail Gladys, Full of Grace,

    Help me find a parking space."

    Works every time!



    I honestly thought he had stopped listening to me anyways, so I simply gave up.

  • Mr. Kim
    Mr. Kim

    Honestly speaking, YES. I know it is hard to believe, but it IS true.

    Mr. KIM

  • Singing Man
    Singing Man

    I tend to believe that God does hear prayers, he can ensure them in other planes of time that we don't understand and that we will be in latter in our life or in some other dimension. I do not think he gives us dead air space after we speak to him. Our request have far reaching implications for us beyond what can understand in our time line that we are living presently.

  • Nickey

    To be honest, yes he has. No matter what anyone says. He's answered me on a few occasions that I'm thankful for.

  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    Not usually, the line was usually busy, however once I did and I had a conversation with God about salvation and interior decorating.

  • Nickey

    .....better yet, I'm off to bed.

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