Britain and America detain and torture people in the Middle East, Africa and Guantanamo bay, rather than at home - various MENA countries are working with the West to combat terrorism. The security services of these countries are also involved in detaining and torturing suspects.
They outlaw slavery at home but source products from countries where workers are slaves in all but name - correct the West outlawed slavery many years ago whereas other countries and cultures sadly still have it. You cannot blame the West for this. Plus, we have the option of fairtrade products, etc.
The repression and suffering of a capitalist system are just as real, but are more effectively kept out of sight - let's get one thing straight: you, me and many others are not repressed by or suffering under a capitalist system. Some people are feeling the bad side of capitalism but at least we have the means to iron out these wrinkles.
Stalin ordered the deaths of those around him - Stalin was responsible for the deaths of tens of millions of his own people. Traitors were shot, millions of ordinary people were put in work camps. Nothing in the West compares to Stalin.
The president orders the deaths of strangers across the world by drone. One we call barbarism, the other we call defending civilisation - this is because the West is at war with Islamist groups. There weren't many drone strikes before 9/11.