Wow you think I would get use to this

by SheilaM 19 Replies latest jw friends

  • SheilaM

    I am kinda melancholy today, Ant flew back to base in Va this morning. I was doing great until he came in the door last night, Thunder and I were in bed and I thought "God, it is so great hearing him run in and out."

    Then the waterworks began I was bawling like a two year old<blushes> I didn't think he could hear me but he finally knocked and asked his Dad to come out in the hall, I guess he said "She doesn't want you to leave." Ant came in our bedroom and sat on the bed and hugged me he kept saying "I'll be back home for Christmas" "Just 20 more days"

    I wonder if I will ever get use to him being gone.....Dang</blushes>

  • Simon

    Who says it's something that you are supposed to get used to?

    We always miss the ones we love when they have to leave us again.

    I'm sure you are counting the days till you see him again.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    The mothering and worrying doesn't stop just because they grow up.

    It gets easier once they actually move away from home and settle down but I suspect situations like this are much harder to deal with

    20 days Sheila

  • SheilaM

    Simon: Thanks, I guess I was thinking that I was just being a baby about this. He just called and started crying when he was telling me about saying bye to Girlie Girl. Thanks for your comments

    Lady Lee: Time goes so much slower when he is gone but yes 20 days <sigh> Counting down

  • Stacy Smith
    Stacy Smith

    Sheila you are such a mommy.

  • little witch
    little witch

    (((Sheila and Thunder)))

    We are joined at the heart with our kids. There should be vows taken at the birth our our children, till death do us part and then some!

    I know of no closer bond than a parent to their child.

    The worry, the love, the need to be a part of our children never ceases. A purer love is unkown to man.

    You need not be embarrassed at all, that is the way of nature!

    You are wonderful parents of great kids. Don't feel ashamed for feeling love!

  • xenawarrior


    You and Ant are so close I'd be surprised if you didn't respond this way !! Not being a baby, just loving your son, hon !! I shudder at the thought of E. going off to college in a few years. I don't like it much when she goes to her dad's for the weekend!

    only 20 days. And in two weeks you'll have a diversion to break it up !!!

    XW- following LW around again

  • little witch
    little witch

    Little Witch stops suddenly in her tracks, Xena bumps into me, I turn and ((((Xena)))


  • Jade


    I saw a plaque today that reminded me of you. It said, "Our children hold our hands for a little while, but our hearts forever."

  • little witch
    little witch

    Well said, and spot on, Jade!

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