Jade right on. As you all know I lost 3 in death- 1 to the Wt .This time of the year is the hardest for me... Remembering how I jipped them out of Happy Holidays.... So happy for you Sheila......((HUG
Wow you think I would get use to this
by SheilaM 19 Replies latest jw friends
The enire time my son was in KoSoVo I hardly slept. U are always going to be his mother and cry when they leave. So go ahead and cry. Xmas is coming soon.
Stacy: What a wonderful thing to call me LOL
LW: Thanks WOw what a life time gig huh, but a wonderful one.
Xena: Just enjoy your time together now, cherish it..it will go by in a flash:( Yep a diversion:D
Jade: Dang it Thunder asked me what you said and I cried just reading it. Thank you for thinking of me(((((Jade)))))
Mouthy: I am so sorry for your losses. Don't beat yourself up, you did what you thought was right, I know how the guilt consumes but you are a great person and I know a great Mom. One day you'll get to seem them again and I know they understand.
Wednesday: Kosovo <shudders> Gosh I feel so damn selfish. I know so many have it so much worse, but I still miss him I think I would go stark raving mad in a case like that. Yep Wed Xmas is coming and I can't wait.
Well, Ant called tonight during the writers group. He was so choked up he could hardly talk. He said he felt like he couldn't hardly breathe, I know how much it hurts when you lvoe someone and can't be with them. I just feel so helpless. I try to tell him that when you love each other it will all work out.
Tomorrow I have to bake, bake , bake to get his fire watch covered for X-mas I have to send pies and rice krispie treats and such. Any ideas on how to ship this stuff would be great:D -
Sheila, there's no doubt, before/now/later, that the love you have for your son; and that which your son has for you, was duly attributed to both you and ThunderRider's excellent parenting skills.
You showed love in every which way shape and form, and it's alive and well.
I don't have any biological sisters, but heck....you could be my younger sis if you wish, you'd be such a darling.
I'm not surprised to read of your reactions, Anthony's reactions, and I'm sure Chris' as well.
Geez, I wish I had that growing up as a kid. Anthony's got good upbringing, good sense and in turn will contribute much good to society.
We need more good parents in this world.
Good parents, create good kids, which in turn make good world citizens.
ol' Rayzorblade
NO matter how old our kids are, were still there moms and they are still our kids...smile mommy, 19 days left
edited to say, I know I will be a blubbering idiot when my babies leave...there not far off of leaving the nest either....
Sheila. Close your eyes and before you know it he will be back.
My son is 25 and he calls me everyday to tell me how much he loves me, so I can imagine how difficult this is for you.
Love Orangefatcat (Terry)
Ray: I would love to be your lil Sis, Thanks so much I love you to..I got my X-mas card today:D
Orange:How wonderful that your son calls everyday. Thank you so much. -
Shiela you are a mother -- you would not be a human female if you did not feel like you do -- tell us when he is back safely
William Penwell
It is very hard and I feel for you. I know there was a time in my life after my divorce about 6 years that I would only see my sons for about one week out of the year because their mother remarried and moved away. It was also a bad time as I missed so much of their growing up. I do now have them close to me and we have a relationship. So it all works out in the end.
Big Tex
Sheila, everything will be okay.
You're feeling what you're supposed to feel. You're a mom who loves her son. What's wrong with that?
BTW, when he comes home, give him a big Texas howdy for me.