This disingenuous claim on the part of JWs is one I believe clearly illustrates their insufferable arrogance and the hypocrisy of their conceit that their religion is the one-and-only Truth by which one can be saved.
Below are variations of one basic response with which an active, awakened JW might counter such dishonesty in order to start to awaken others:
-If that's true, why do we go out in service? That's the same response we frequently encounter while going door-to-door by those who have their own religion and are happy with it. If it doesn't matter, then, whether one's religion is The Truth or not as long as their members are fulfilled and happy, why are we instructed to overcome this so-called objection by trying to convince them they must leave the religion they feel is the best way of life for them even if it's not The Truth and become a JW in order to be saved?
-If that's true, why do we go out in service? Since we are taught that there is only The [one-and-only] Truth or [all else that is] False Religion, you believe that it's acceptable to Jehovah to practice a religion that is not The Truth as long as it seems to the one practicing to be the best way of life--like you?
What's happened to the scripture at Romans 10:2 that's constantly drilled into us: "For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God but not according to accurate knowledge"?
-If that's true, why do we go out in service? If it doesn't matter whether one is practicing The Truth as long as he feels it's the best way of life for him, why is this position not also the prerogative of the non-religious person whose secular life he feels suits him best?
-If you believe that, then which of the following is the case: One need not have The Truth to be saved? Or you're okay with being destroyed by God at Armageddon?
-If this is not The Truth it's by-definition false. So now it's our false religion that is better than everybody else's false religion, that we are required to recruit people to even though Jehovah will destroy all false religion?
I believe Herelgo is on point in his/her OP: the assertion itself betrays that one secretly feels impelled to have a just-in-case defense (both for himself privately and for others if the subject arises) for remaining in a religion that is not what it professes to be, i.e., The Truth that leads to eternal life. The assertion is irrefutable evidence of the existence of a significant lurking doubt a person feels the need to justify to himself.
Captive 07/1972 - 02/2001