We have family that keeps telling us to pray and encourages us to go back to the Kingdom Hall. The interesting thing is, they don't go to the meetings, out in service or to the assemblies. They play dress up and Christian occasionally but not on a regular basis. A true "do as we say, not as we do" attitude. I find this weird and fascinating. Best life ever! Weirdest bunch ever!
"Even if this wasn't the truth, I would still stay. This is the best life to live..."
by HereIgo 63 Replies latest jw experiences
@ ToesUp...
They might "encourage" you that way so no one can accuse them of being apostates.
I think it's best to answer such reasoning with the Bible.
Jesus words: "You must worship your God in Spirit and TRUTH." So, "if it is wrong", it is NOT TRUTH. In that case, you are still NOT following Christ and thus, NOT a Christian.
My Grandfather now dead who was an elder used to say that. To me its a last line of defense when they know they have lost the argument and say well even if its not true its a great way to live. Souths the conscience.
Doubtfully Yours
"Tremendous harm"..., "Passive observer of oppression"..., hmmm, quite hyperbolic expressions.🤔
I intended my words to be literal not hyperbole.
The cult has done tremendous harm. Thousands of unnecessary deaths based on a facile interpretation of scripture. Countless family relationships broken by their cruel shunning policy. How many lives harmed by being denied access to higher education and decent careers? Many hundreds or even thousands of victims of child abuse silenced and denied justice.
Anybody who knows about these things and remains part of the cult gives tacit support to oppression.
Letting your children die for an ever changing interpretation of an ancient blood rule, written by nomads -is the best way to live ?
How else do people make sense of the possibility that they have spent their entire lives in a religion that could be wrong?
Having a bumper sticker phrase is absolutely crucial to coping with that unsettling thought.
It is equally important for the individual to vocalise to others that phrase - best life ever - because it "proves" the individual cannot be unsettled by the prospect of being wrong.
Anybody who knows about these things and remains part of the cult gives tacit support to oppression.
I think the principle of what you say is correct however does this mean that it is imperative to make a stand and completely remove one's self from the organisation. If one has not done so then are they morally compromised?
I don't quite understand DY's position as I don't see how anyone awake to TTATT can find happiness in worship - at the very least it calls into question the meaning of ritualising one's life in this way when you know it to be wrong.
But what about people like me who have been slowly fading for years, reducing my activity to all but nothing - showing my face at the meetings only to ease things for my wife. I am open with her but watch what I say to others to avoid the "apostate" tag.
I would like to completely stop. I would like to be honest with all and happy to lose conditional friends but don't as my wife does not want that and I respect that she has to live with my actions as well.
Am I supporting oppression? Should all us "PIMO" people just grow a pair, stop and just say to one and all we are no longer Witnesses?
I would like to be honest with all and happy to lose conditional friends but don't as my wife does not want that and I respect that she has to live with my actions as well
I totally get that - you are balancing competing moral concerns. I think in that situation you can only do all you can to support victims of the cult's oppression from within. Be the "fifth column".
Only the individual concerned can judge their own circumstances. I was surprised by DYs comment that he/she just likes to worship with JWs out of choice. I think it's worth saying that this involves a moral choice not just a decision about personal preferences.