Random Musing of an ex-JW between a rock and a hard place.

by StarTrekAngel 16 Replies latest jw experiences

  • StarTrekAngel

    Many of you may recall pass postings of mine where I mentioned my plans of moving away from my current neighborhood. Mainly because my office got moved and now my commute is about one hour each way. My employer is pretty flexible so showing up on time, for now, is not an issue. I do, however, have other reasons to make sure I am available to my subordinates but also can't phantom the idea of wasting two hours of my day, every day, just driving.

    Moving would also bring and end to the PTSD feelings I get when I run into my ex-friends from the old hall. They have not come around to bother me at home but I know for sure they are probably hounding my mother in law, who had not bothered with asking questions.... until recently.

    This new career path has brought about a nice bump in pay as well as nice, open relationship with the top dogs at the company. The future is bright for me and, in consequence, for my family. My wife decided to also go back to work a few years back. My mother in law has never been opposed to reduce her preaching hours in order to watch our kids in the summers and after school. We don't demand that she do anything nor do we ask her for money. Every now and then she'd bring a load of groceries or pay for a nice dinner. We've taken her on vacations half way around the world. All in our dime. If I had to actually lay down the accounting, I believe she is more than well compensated for her contributions.

    In a way, we are the only choice that she's got and she somewhat knows it. Her JW son lives mere blocks away from us yet there is a much better chance that he'd see her in meetings than showing up around our house. This has little to do with our spiritual state. He's always been that way. Mother in law is diabetic and losing her eye sight rapidly. She not only has regular doctors visits to attend, but also needs to be watched because she does not take care of herself. My wife has gotten pretty good at analyzing her surroundings and knowing when she has been misbehaving. In the others hand, her son's idea of taking care of mom consists on taking her out once a month, from sun up to sun down and raid every restaurant and movie concession stand for all the wrong foods. It is up to my wife afterwards, to make sure she recovers from that.

    Going back to our moving plans, we found this very nice development that just started no more than two years ago. If features very nice homes with all levels of schooling within walking distance, including a Texas A&M campus. With a 14 year old getting ready to make a college choice in the next couple of years, is the perfect place to raise a family and it puts me a mere 20 min away from work.

    Like everything in nice, is costs a pretty penny and there are trade off. The builder requires several thousand dollars on deposit in order to begin construction of the home and, if your mortgage is approved, the deposit is credited to your account but it is not refundable is you decided to walk away from the deal.

    This long story bring me to the hard place. After much deliberating and working on a relocation package with my employer, I am ready to tie the knot. I have a meeting scheduled with the builder to sign off this Friday. If I sign, this would be a point of no return since I am pretty sure I will qualify for the loan. But that is not the hard place.

    The hard place is my mother in law, whom had hesitated for a while as to whether she will be moving with us or not. Yesterday my wife informed me that she had finally decided that she will..... but with one condition... that my wife returns to meetings.

    Yeap.. there you have it. The captive organization that Mr Stewart of the ARC so finely pointed out is now in action. Despite being away from its clutches for years, I am back under their foot. If I go thru with it and my wife does not go to the meetings, MIL will most likely leave us. This means having to pay for daycare, and probably even a provider for her because we can't trust my brother in law. If we don't go thru with the move, my job is just going to turn ever more complicated as my boss' patience is going to wear out. Not to mention this new place is not only shelter for us, is also a good investment opportunity. Regardless of what we ultimately do, the line has been drawn and if we don't stand on the right side of it, the grief and anguish will still be there.

    I am ever more convinced that there is no such a thing as leaving a cult. You avoid them, sometimes at a price. No wonder ex-cult members are often called cult "survivors". Surviving is what I will be doing, at least until my MIL passes away. By then, many of these opportunities now present would have probably passed me on. The last thing I want is to strain the relationship between my wife and her mom.

    I have a bit over 2 days to decide what to do... wish me luck

  • Alex Bogdanov
    Alex Bogdanov

    I wish you luck. You are in a very difficult situation. Cant really give you an advice. But maybe your wife can go to the meetings a few times just to please your MIL and stop asap. Me and my wife did it. We didn't want to shock the family so we were going to the meeting 4 times a month, 3 times a month, 2 times a month, 1 time a month until we fully stopped. It was very difficult, because every meeting was like a torture, but it worked. When we stopped going to the meetings nobody was surprised. So your wife can go a few times and when you will setle in the new house she can stop. I doubt that your MIL will go crazy and decide to move out. If she is that crazy then I pray for you

  • StarTrekAngel

    She could be that crazy. Specially if her craze is fed by other manipulative sisters. Also, keep in mind that most people in our current area have given up on trying to get us back in. Moving to a new hall and actually meeting new brothers and sisters means a new determination to work with us. Means the same old stress coming back. I am moving away to avoid exactly that.

  • Alex Bogdanov
    Alex Bogdanov

    Oh man. I wish you all the best and plenty of strength 💗

  • OneEyedJoe

    I'm sorry you're put in such a difficult situation. You're clearly a very generous and giving person, trying to take care of your mother-in-law as you have been and are endeavoring to continue doing. It's terrible that she's trying to take advantage of that altruism to manipulate you even further. Honestly, though, she's an adult and she ought to be well acquainted with the concept of living with the consequences of her actions. If she should decide not to move with you, then that in no way obligates you to provide her alternate housing, especially when doing so would be a large burden on your finances. You've given her a generous offer and she's spat in your face and asked for more. You're not required to take care of her, and if she doesn't want your generosity unless it's on her unreasonable terms, then she should have to live with the consequences.

    Try and remind yourself regularly that not everything in the world is your responsibility. A lot of people see problems and feel that if they don't solve them, no one will - even if those problems aren't really theirs to solve. Just like when parents are too quick to solve the problems of their child, it results in over-dependence on the parent, the same can happen in any relationship. It often happens that children supersede their parent's maturity and responsibility, and when the children feel an obligation to ensure their parents' lives don't go awry, the relationship can invert and the child ends up parenting the parent...it sounds like that's what's happened here. Just like a good parent ensures that children learn to solve their own problems and take responsibility for their mistakes, your mother-in-law is unlikely to ever stop relying on you (and still manipulating you) until you force her to face the consequences of her actions. So, my best advice to you would be to free yourself from feeling obligated to anyone's unreasonable demands.

    I definitely understand how you're feeling with regard to the cult being inescapable. I remember at one point when I was going through the process of trying to get an agreement from my exwife to finalize the divorce, she forced me to jump through several cult hoops and in that moment it felt like such a setback - I'd made so much progress removing myself from the cult but it was still controlling my life. But I promise you, you can get completely free. Unfortunately, though, that might just require finally letting go of the manipulative and abusive people in your life that seek to control you and take advantage of you.

  • dogisgod

    Oh boy. I don't know. Everything sounds perfect EXCEPT..... I think I would move. She really would be the big loser here. Not seeing her grand kids etc. It may be worth the discomfort for you and I would bet she would come around. Not having you guys around, your kindness, your vacations vs a once a month food binge. Sometimes you have to let go to grow. I hope it all works out.

  • _Morpheus

    First let me say congragulations on your advancment!

    Let follow up by saying, pardon me for being so blunt, whats actually the problem? You boiled it down this statment:

    This means having to pay for daycare, and probably even a provider for her because we can't trust my brother in law.

    The first part, yes. You would end up paying for day care if your MIL didnt live with you. I dont see that as a problem, per say, but yes an added expense. Given what your saving on driving (time, gas, wear and tear on the car) your making up for summer day care.

    The second part i could not disagree more with you. YOU have made plans to care for her. YOU are perfectly willing to let her move with YOU while YOU continue to provide for her. If SHE chooses something different than that is indeed her choice. Not yours. And for god damn sure not YOUR problem to pay for some alternative.

    See how that works? She made choices that lead to her living with you and being relient on you. YOUR house YOUR rules. She dosent get to dictate that somehow your wife has to meet a condition for you to continue to have the ”privilege” letting her live with you.

    You need a little perspective, your MIL a needs a LOT

  • StarTrekAngel

    Absolutely agree as far as her choices and the rules. But if my MIL doesn't give in and neither do I, then my wife is put between this choice. Either-way is bad.

    My whole point was how you can never have a normal life with these people around.

    Fuck this cult.

  • Giordano

    You mentioned your MIL has a growing problem with seeing. Could this be behind her request that your wife attend the meetings with her.

    Joining a new anything can be a bit over whelming as well. When the time comes you or your wife can approach the hall and see if there is someone who could provide transportation to and from.

    One final option is that she get's the meetings over her phone.

    Otherwise I would not reengage with any congregation nor would I want my wife to attend something on a regular basis that would probably be very unpleasant for her.

    Work it out with your wife. A move is stressful enough without dealing with a religion you don't want any part of.

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    We don't believe in luck, remember? You must think of your family first. Get out of Dodge, move. Its your life you have control over, not your mother in laws'. She must make an unconditional choice to join you. Let the "Faithful" brother in law step up. If he doesn't, she will become symptomatic and when she accepts that she NEEDS your help you will happily receive her with open arms. Your wife must stand by you in this, talk it over. I'm sure it wont take long for your mother in law to join you. The decision will be difficult enough without enslaving yourself to the WT regimen again. Be strong.

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