Mohammedans can be drawn to spinning words. I suspect some of them like to imagine themselves as charmers. Snake charmers. I remember one elder studying with a Mohammedan and the man kept on studying and studying. The elder said the man (who I think identified as an academic) was drawn by the beauty of the words.
Watchtower could be Judas-goating to one world religion. All their false teachings are based on Theo Sufism. Sufism, itself is mystic Mohammedanism.
Theo Sufism - if all religions were eggs, Theo Sufism cracks them all in to one bowl. It is the side-kick to Communism. One world state with one world religion. That religion being the nonsense mutterings of some king-poet (identifying as a master or getting 'radio' messages from masters) making it all up as he/she goes along.
Check out their logo. 'There is no religion higher than truth'. Now you can imagine that splattered on Watchtower can't you.