Watchtower vs Islam: Why the deafening silence?

by raymond frantz 53 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • waton
    organised attempt to prosylitise Muslims raymond franz

    well, the H2H ministry is organized enough to reach all Muslim households in many lands, and to raise their ire.

    with a sense humour not one of the leading qualities of behind those doors, it was enough to have my throat threatened to be cut on one of those memorable moments. mark those locations DNC.

    I Find Muslims to be good neighbours.

  • BettyHumpter
    "I have met Moslems on min"

    Now that's a colonial era spelling I haven't seen in a while. Looking forward to when you describe your interactions with "colored folks".

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    Mohammedans is probably a better term.. It conveys identity faster. Bit like Russellites.

    The problem with using term islam is that when you understand a little of their languages, you get into wierd areas of semantics. It's like calling Watchtower publishers, Jehovah's Witnesses or those opposed to Jesus Christ, Jews. There's a lot to step through with the vocabulary before you can establish semantics.

    With some people it is not even worth doing.

  • punkofnice

    Because Islam is a cult like the Jobots. If you're in the cult you'll never get out with any ease if alive.

    It's a waste of money for the Jobot GB.

  • resolute Bandicoot
    resolute Bandicoot

    100% waist of time and effort, "If you were going to deliberately design a collection of ideas with the purpose of making one that might eventually dominate the world — one that would eventually out-compete or eliminate every other religion or political system — you would be hard-pressed to do better than Islam".

    Interesting I had trouble finding this as Lefty Google would not display it in the first umpteen pages.

    It's evil on steroids and it is coming for you or your children, like it or not. It always has, it does not give up it does not change it's mind, it does not change course, it does back down, like a ratchet it slowly tightens it's grip only by overwhelming force can it be delayed.


  • dropoffyourkeylee

    I think the OP raises some good questions that I have never heard addressed. Why is it that JWs, and other Christian missionaries over the years, have had so little success with Muslims. I don't personally know anyone who has converted from a Muslim faith to any Christian faith. I am sure there are some, but very few. So why is that?

    I have read the Koran and I found it similar to reading the Psalms over and over again. Without getting into the mind of the Muslim life and culture it is hard to understand.

  • LoveUniHateExams

    LoveUniHateExams this might be true for Muslim countries but no true for Western European countries were Muslims are usually immigrants - and yet Salman Rushdie was stabbed 10 times in America by a Lebanese-American who is a Shia extremist. Strange

  • LoveUniHateExams

    Interestingly, I raised this very topic with a fellow brother in my KH, a few months before I left for good.

    His response?

    'They [Muslims] believe the same as us'

    No, I'm not shitting you

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz


    We are the only Christian denomination that doesn't believe in the Trinity like Mudlims do too, maybe thats what your friend had in mind

  • Anna Marina
    Anna Marina

    Mohammedans can be drawn to spinning words. I suspect some of them like to imagine themselves as charmers. Snake charmers. I remember one elder studying with a Mohammedan and the man kept on studying and studying. The elder said the man (who I think identified as an academic) was drawn by the beauty of the words.

    Watchtower could be Judas-goating to one world religion. All their false teachings are based on Theo Sufism. Sufism, itself is mystic Mohammedanism.

    Theo Sufism - if all religions were eggs, Theo Sufism cracks them all in to one bowl. It is the side-kick to Communism. One world state with one world religion. That religion being the nonsense mutterings of some king-poet (identifying as a master or getting 'radio' messages from masters) making it all up as he/she goes along.

    Check out their logo. 'There is no religion higher than truth'. Now you can imagine that splattered on Watchtower can't you.

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