Officially, the WTS does not DF people who are dead. They might not have a jw funeral for them if they died under bad circumstances if there is enough lead time.
Will Bro. Rogers be DF'd posthumously for drug addiction?
by ShirleyW 26 Replies latest jw friends
Drug addiction is not a DFing offense since they are medical.
If they posthumously disfellowship a JW, what would a reliable sign of repentance be? Stopping all bad behavior? He or she be reinstated in no time at all.
Knowing that fentanyl was the only prescription pain medication that I could understand people becoming addicted to, I have some sympathy with Prince on this one. Being out of pain and in a happy fog rather than a uncomfortable itchy one (what every other prescription pain med does for me) would be kind of seductive.
If you think about it, that he was on pain meds for a very long time may have something to do with the fact that he became involved with this organization. It takes the edge off your thinking skills. You can still function, but things just seem a little less important, and details are not so critical.
Drug addiction does not always show up, does not always become apparent to those around you. Yes, the WTS is idiotic to play their DFing games about things like addiction, but I'm more inclined to question if Prince was really scared off of getting surgery because of the WTS and the blood issue. I have heard it from the standard media and from conspiracy theorists, but who the hell knows anymore.
I hope that finally, he really does rest in peace. The WTS is a brainless, heartless, soulless corporation and it is better if we never forget that. People who know and love each other need to get past whatever a corporation says is right and wrong, good and evil and just use their own common sense, compassion and intelligence.
They had a Kingdom Hall funeral, he donated money while he was alive. They don't want to scare away other celebrities and millionaires, so NO DF For Prince!
If they posthumously disfellowship a JW, what would a reliable sign of repentance be?
As steve2 mentioned ...
It would be sort of hard to DF someone dead. And if after a JC meeting and the person was actually disfellowshipped, how would they handle it if the person appealed the decision?
Rub a Dub
Rubadub: And if after a JC meeting and the person was actually disfellowshipped, how would they handle it if the person appealed the decision?
Eh...Jehobah will sort it out. It is all up to the big guy now. Prince has received the "go directly to paradise" card