Does anyone know when and how the change took place? Is the "Day Age" theory still the current position of Watchtower?
Watchtower Change On Origins from 42,000 Years to the "Day Age" Theory
by Sea Breeze 38 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Sea Breeze
Adherents of Day-Age Theory often point out that the word used for “day” in Hebrew, yom, sometimes refers to a period of time that is longer than a literal, 24-hour day. In fact, this happens in the creation account itself, in Genesis 2:4. There, the entire explanation is described as “the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the LORD God made earth and heaven” (NASB). This is also seen in God’s warning in Genesis 2:17, where He warns that man will die “in the day” he eats from the tree.
I found a reference in the Reasoning (rs) book, page 88, dating back to 1989 that begins to open the door to a change in thought. Says in essence a creative day was at least thousands of years long. References a quote about some rock formations being billions of years old.
I thought there was some reference to this in the book Aid to Bible Understanding, but didn't find it when thumbing through the spots where I expected to find something.
I know I remember reading a secondary article maybe in Awake that peaked my interest in that change. I marveled even then that they were sneaking in a change of thought.
Sea Breeze
Thanks SadElder for that.
Seems like I remember a statement somewhere the WT. stated that the Creative Day could be of "indeterminate length". It could be that I just remember someone saying that though.Anyway, does anyone know if the general belief of current JW's is that the earth is billions of years old but all of the creation is young (6000 yrs. ago) ?
Anyway, does anyone know if the general belief of current JW's is that the earth is billions of years old but all of the creation is young (6000 yrs. ago) ?
I do not believe any jw would believe that, but if wt taught that, some would accept it.
new light, old. according to the relativity theories, time stands still for light in flight.
Sea Breeze
are you suggesting that the prevailing view of current JW's is that the universe was created in 6 literal days 6000 years ago?
When I was a kid, the earth was supposedly 42,000 years old according to the WT. If they changed to the "Day Age Theory" in 1989 or so, wouldn't that open the door for an earth (and universe age) of billions of years?
What is the current view on origins among JW's... anyone know? -
Sea Breeze
The Scriptures, in stating, “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth” (Ge 1:1), leave matters indefinite as to time. This use of the term “beginning” is therefore unassailable, regardless of the age scientists may seek to attach to the earthly globe and to the various planets and other heavenly bodies. The actual time of creation of the material heavens and earth may have been billions of years ago. -
So, they do now allow for billions of years. They further say this:
The inspired Record tells of six creative periods called “days,”
It looks like they are allowing room here for directed evolution, since "God" could have taken millions of years to "create man".
Am I reading this right? -
are you suggesting that the prevailing view of current JW's is that the universe was created in 6 literal days 6000 years ago?
No, I meant that among those jw that are lucid enough to think about it, none would make that 6000 years.
This use of the term “beginning” is therefore unassailable,
but the bible is totally wrong in this use of "beginning" in Gen 1;1, , lumping together the heavens, stars mainly and our* planet *(the father has given it to us) .
Since the Big Beginning, there were at least 3 generations of stars dying explosive deaths to forge the elements the Earth and we are made of.
We are the endresult , not the beginning. by a long shot. ~ 9 000 000 000 years.
Not sure they officially abandoned thr 49,000 years of creation idea, they just stopped talking about it.
It was never a barrier to an old earth as Watchtower maintains the earth and the universe were created before the creative days began. It was a problem explaining all the animals and fossils within tens of thousands of years, but then the literal flood story is an even bigger problem in that respect.
They always held that the days of Genesis 1 were specifically regarding the preparation of the earth for life. All time before that was lumped under Gen 1:1.