Diane Abbott has the last laugh in plain sight imo. She does have a degree in history and life long experience in politics - you go girl
Diane Abbott XD
by LoveUniHateExams 68 Replies latest social current
She does have a degree in history and life long experience in politics - you go girl - she's black, she's a woman, she went to Cambridge, she voted against the Iraq war and she voted Remain.
What more do you want?
Abbott for PM XD
"Sistas are doing it for themselves.
Standing on their own two feet ..."
she is also correct. Britain, the USA, Europe - have all committed genocide to modernise but we choose to focus on what has been achieved rather than on the deaths. She is an astute politician who realises she will alienate her own electorate if she defends her comments too much. Same goes for her choice of picture that twitter users are getting in a froth over.
She is an astute politician who realises she will alienate her own electorate if she defends her comments too much - she's MP for Hackney, a constituency with a high percentage of black and ethnic minority people. She's managed to hoodwink lots of her constituents for many years.
There's no fixing stupid.
But, luckily in this age of social media and youtube, she cannot erase her past and everyone can see her comments in all their glory.
She also sent her son to a private, fee-paying school instead of one of Hackney's state schools ... whilst simultaneously opposing selective, exclusive schools.
She, like some other Labour MPs, is a hypocrite of the highest order ...
Judging from the animosity she is subjected to Her son would have been eaten alive at state school. As I understand it he begged to go to private scool.
The following clip is pretty funny. She gave a talk to the police after her '10.000 more police' gaffe and proved her geography is as bad as her maths.
I also found this interesting: she said she was honoured to address the room as Shadow Home Secretary but it didn't sound like she meant it. Or is it just me?
Anyhoo, ladies & gentlemen, Diane Abbott ...
All politicians have made gaffes
I have made a thread and posted lots of stuff that laughs at Diane Abbott.
I just wanna say at this point that, while some of her gaffes may be ridiculous and some of her (past) views may be morally repugnant, I don't think she is repugnant as a person.
In fact, she seems to be a warm person, or at least she has a warm side to her personality.
And let me add that there are some things about her I admire. She went to Cambridge at a time when black students were no doubt thin on the ground and got an Oxbridge degree. She entered politics as a black woman at a time when racism and misogyny were worse than they are today, both inside the Westminster bubble and out in the real world. All this is good. Well done, Diane.
But her skin colour and genitalia aren't kryptonite and shouldn't be treated as such. In fact, her skin colour and genitalia should get as much regard as a white male MP's.
Futhermore, if she's making a serious pitch for power as Shadow Home Secretary, she deserves to be put under scrutiny and criticised and ridiculed when she comes up short.
So pls tell me then why you are cheered up by her gaffes when you are feeling depressed? Is this when you engage with politics and political ideas that need ridiculing? Or is there some other reason?
I think anyone who is unfit for a high level position should be ridiculed when they mess up so spectacularly.
These peoples spend our money and make policy decisions that have a massive impact on society that we have to live in. We don't want people there who aren't really up to the task.