What happens to Bethelites?

by rickroll 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • rickroll

    So if someone puts their life into serving the cult for free at Bethel, then say after 25 or 30 years they are not able to for one reason or another such as illness, or family issue or old age, does the cult have any safety net for these people or is it you serve until you can't and when you can't you just go away?

  • The Fall Guy
    The Fall Guy

    Unless you're a Bethelite who's very near near the top of the org's pyramid, I would imagine that such ones would be put into a local congregation or to any living relatives to take care of their needs.

    I personally know of a former Branch overseer who lost all of the prominent privileges he had as the "grand fromage" when his Branch was terminated. He was unceremoniously dumped into another Branch and made to share a bedroom with a common Bethelite he'd never met before.

    No loyalty or gratitude for long service in the cult.

  • tiki

    The downside of being a glorious bethelite. And if there is no loving family the person is really screwed. Likely low to no viable employment skills in the real world....no money or savings to tide one over until they get settled.... I recall many young men who did the back then 4 year stint to come out disillusioned and bitter....

  • road to nowhere
    road to nowhere

    The loving provision is put them in a congregation and let simeone else take care if them, provide a job.

    Dont let the door hit your ass when leaving

  • hoser

    They are expected to live off the taxpayer after not contributing to the economy for 40 years.

  • Biahi

    This is shameful, what they do to these bethelites, dumping them with nothing.

  • Diogenesister

    This is another legal loophole Watchtower has piggy backed off of.

    This is the reason Bethelites are members of "The worldwide Order of Special Servants". They must take the "vow of poverty" in the same manner Catholic nuns and monks do which excuses the church from making employer national insurance contributions. However it is assumed that the church and the monastic community will care for the ministers in their old age, which has always been the case for mainstream churches. In other words those in regular cloistered communities will neither be a burden to the state NOR left to fend for themselves.

    Watchtower has no such scruples, however!!!

    They do not want to pay employer contributions yet screw every ounce of work out of the bethelites. Then, if they get old or sick or are surplus to requirements, they will be unceremoniously dumped with no unemployment benefit, health insurance or pension.

    Disgusting, like the Federal, local, property and income tax laws they evade (501c 3)by pretending to be a religion that does good works, watchtower yet again sneaks by the government on the coat tails of the mainstream church.

  • fulano

    I dont know the current rules of course, as my main concerns are not jw related after 20 years. But I remember that our missionary guide, which one had to sign annually, stated that a missionary could consider his home as permanent after 15 years of service. As our bethel service always had been temporary others might fill me in on this. Co’s and SP’s are disposable stuff, that is what I remember.

  • stillin

    This is the thrust of today's WT study. These ones will need to be supported and "encouraged" by the congregation. It all sounds like one big happy family. There are some who will do their best. And good for them if they are generous without adopting a parasite, but rather an appreciative, humble fellow Witness. Fine. I found that if I helped somebody in need and they let slip in casual conversation to an elder I had helped out, the elder came to me saying that the congregation does things by "arrangement," not just spontaneously. Rebuked for helping somebody! How about that.

  • FedUpJW

    Then, if they get old or sick or are surplus to requirements, they will be unceremoniously dumped with no unemployment benefit, health insurance or pension.

    Oh, but the WT has lovingly provided advice on "Adjusting To A New Assignment". Things like pray more, go door knocking more, don't try to be financially secure, others can give you money or material belongings, remember this life is only temporary and you will be in paradise forever...SOON.

    What a load of horse---t!

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