They are reassured that they are worth more than a sporrow . Go little birdie fly with vultures. The charity keeps rattling the tin so big Tony can afford the oak aged nectar from Tennessee
What happens to Bethelites?
by rickroll 49 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Tiki. Some thing that confirmed further my wake up was the number of books written by ex bethelites detailing their experiences.
My oldest son when young thought of doing the Bethel thing. I have no doubts in saying this his application wasnt even sent as he was MY son.Well who ever did that did him a huge favour..
Older Bethelites are sent out to pasture ... that's it.
Rub a Dub
does the cult have any safety net for these people
Ha ha....
Oh wait - you're serious?
OK, here's the "safety net":
Go back home and pray that Brother Wealthy, the one with the [window washing / janitorial / car detailing / whatever] business will ignore your utter lack of qualifications and real-world experience, and have enough pity on you to offer you a job at poverty-level wages.
Barbara Anderson relates that when she decided to leave Bethel she gave an excuse that she needed to care for elderly parents back home. The Society were so keen to keep her & Joe that they offered to move her parents to New York and they would be looked after.
This shows that those with important skills or those high up in the Org ( or their families ) are looked after, Everyone else basically gets kicked to the curb when they are no longer needed or become ill.
Our congregation inherited an older ( 60 ish ) couple from Bethel who had been kicked out in a period of redundancies. There was only a tenuous connection to our area ( a distant relative ) but the congregation basically got a letter from the branch telling us that this was a faithful elderly couple and it was up to us to find them accommodation etc. A kind of "keep warm & be well fed - not our problem any more" kind of letter. There was no follow up of any sort. It all seemed a bit heartless.
Exactly!!..The religion expects the fired bethelites to go back home and have some brother with a business hire them (whether they are capable or not)..Some bethelite who callously made remarks about working people now finds themselves going to a low-paid job provided by a brother who is barely tolerating them!
As far as the religion sending a letter to some congregation telling them to prepare for the arrival of a kicked-out bethel couple: they got a lot of nerve!!! But, I’m going to say that as time goes on and more people leave the religion or pass away, there will be fewer RESPONSIBLE people in congregations to target to give money..It’s bad enough they are already hit up for money for the other deadbeats there!
Not so long ago I got into a disagreement with a JW I was friendly with years ago - and told her I certainly wouldn’t tolerate anybody coming up to me for money.
JW GoneBad
As the French say: 'C'est la vie'...that's life!
It's sad that aged ex-Bethelites have to spend their last chapter in life, after being kicked out by 'Mother', fending for themselves...dealing with rent, medical bills, insurance, travel expenses, employment, food...the list is endless and can/will get expensive and burdensome for them. Add to their pitiful if the only family they have to assist them are disfellowshipped children or other family members who they disowned and who they've shunned all these years to crawl back to. A good word to sum it all up is...Karma!
All be ware...such is the life in a cult!
They are allowed to remain special full time servants (which includes a monthly allowance) and many given a KH apartment in their new "assignment" with most expenses covered by the cong/circuit.
road to nowhere
It may be a story. But I have never seen it.and have been ariund for decades The rare apartments are for active COs and such. The special pioneer stipend is not enough to help much if they are eveb given that