My different looks

by Lady Lee 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    sorry bebu I had just posted that elsewhere but guess it should be here so people can know what all this is about

    I used to do a lot of the sign language interpreting at the district conventions - this one is most probably in Montreal or Ottawa. Here I think I am actually signing the word divine

  • tink

    wow ladylee what beautiful have really gorgeous skin! you dont look a day over 35, seriously, especially in that last picture.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    thanks tink but I think you are one lovely looking lady

    Fortunetely for me I think I did inherit great skin. My mother used to bake herself in the sun and her skin has become very wrinkled and worn looking. Because my skin is fair I've had to be much more protective of it.

    At my last couple of jobs I would see a lot of women my age and was always surprised at how old they looked. And even at 51 few people can guess my age correctly. Just lucky I guess.

    Years ago we had a sister in the congreg who must have been in her 50's. She had the most awesome skin on a woman her age I had ever seen. I asked her what her secret was.

    Good genes and never any soap on her face - only a good wash with cold water. I recall shivering at the thought at the time but I am doing it now - and not to "preserve my looks" because I've never been one to fuss with any of the girlie stuff but I think I do it just because it really does feel good.

  • gumby


    I clicked on the links after I got to the site you provided but it did nothing. I hit all of them. I didn't know you are grace had an audio. I have to get it working so I can see how you two ol' bitties sound.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Hmm the links didn't work for me either. Not sure if it was the version of Real player I am using.

    While Andrew has a couple of clips on his site the interviews we did are full length video (VCR) and the tapes sold were to help pay for a film about the JWs and cults.

    I think Dr Penton did his tape first with Grace soon after. My interview was about a year later I think. I still can't believe I sat there for an hour talking non-stop until he ran out of tape with only a few notes in my hand. We took a break and I talked on for another 30 - 45 minutes. He was able to edit it and still got 85 minutes of usable info - great editing on his part. I was very impressed with the job he did even though it took me a couple of years before I had the courage to watch it

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    anyone else want to post pictures of the different pictures they have used?

    I've also used my cat pictures - the rose picture - a silent lamb image and I've made a few animated images that won't work in here. Oh and had my grand-daughter's pic up for a bit

  • SheilaM

    Lady I would love too but can't with this dang Netscape

    I like the one in the frame the bestes

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Sheila I miss the last picture you were using but I like the freshness of this one

  • Sassy

    I love the pics Lady Lee.. I took my pic off... everytime I have it up, some old JW friend sends me a note to harass me for being on a xJW site.. I guess I should tell them to all go to hell.. but.. I haven't.. No doubt I'll get impatient with this candy pic... and put back on my own photo again.. just give me time.

    SNS/Sweet (thus the candy pic) N Sassy ~

  • Big Tex
    Big Tex

    The many sides of Lee.

    I think it's appropriate to use the different avatars as it shows the different stages you have been at. Where you were, where you are, and if you look closely, where you're going.

    I like 'em all.

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