Girls are unpredictable, materialist, and use us, men, as a toy - Part 2
by will-be-apostate 84 Replies latest social relationships
Besides the fact that both women and men can act like that: Welcome to life
Yes, this young woman is atrocious and a man eater. She must be spoken to about this. Text me her contact information; I will take care of her. It's the least I can do.
will be: you need to get out - and laid - more often. The young lady is called the perfect girl for a one night stand. Your heart shouldn't be hurting, but your hands should be - from all the fist bumping and high fiving.
Do you REALLY want her in your life, dude??? She's an effing train wreck, and I should know.
You seriously thought that it meant more than that? This is about the lamest relationship OP I've read on this site, and I've read a lot of them. The only thing lamer is that some of you think that will be deserves our sympathy.
Wow, some people have a really messed up view of others and their right to use them.
If someone is messed up, you shouldn't be taking advantage of them for personal gratification. If people are messed up, it's often because they keep running into slimy people who just want to take advantage of them.
Spend your time and energy finding a better person and being a better person. Life will be better.
Simon - "If someone is messed up, you shouldn't be taking advantage of them for personal gratification."
On a related note, it always felt weird when another JW had an obviously mentally ill person as a return-visit/study.
Vidiot. Ditto.
OK class, I'm coining a new phrase. Well, actually it is a slight modification of an existing phrase, Fresh Off the Boat (FOB). My Indian GF and her family use this phrase a lot to describe Indians who have recently immigrated to the US. It is used in a pejorative sense, such as the FOBs should be avoided - especially when it comes to relationships. They know that the cultural differences between the typical Indian and the typical American, including the Indians who were born here or have lived her for many years, are huge.
Soooooo, back to my new phrase. FOB for Fresh Out of the Borg. We probably should cut the FOBs a bit of slack for being social misfits such as will be. I say probably because it is difficult for me to believe that anyone alive in the 21st Century in the US can be so socially backward and inept when it comes to boy/girl, girl/girl/ boy/boy, boy/fish, etc. relationships. It took me all of 30 minutes to figure out that girls really weren't sugar and spice and everything nice. They are just like us. And that is most excellent. Fist bumps and high fives to all.
But I will try with the FOBs. Really, Simon. I will. Try that is.
The rest of you Neanderthals (Yes, Fink, this Geritol's for you) need to wake up and realize that sex is the most amazing thing in all its iterations that money can buy. If sex to you means forever or even a follow up phone call the next day good for you. Remain in your tiny little world of sex = commitment = love = monogamy = manipulation = jealousy = obsessive compulsive disorder, which is why people like the girl in this OP say what they say and manipulate others into removing their skivvies.
She was out for revenge sex, was horny or just wanted Mr. Right Now, but she hasn't separated herself from the nonsense of how we wrap sex around so many connotations of what it isn't.
will be: you need to get out - and laid - more often. The young lady is called the perfect girl for a one night stand. Your heart shouldn't be hurting, but your hands should be - from all the fist bumping and high fiving.
I think this is the conclusion I reached from this thread. So yea, gonna take the fake it till you make it approach. Thanks everybody for your comments, I appreciate it.
Just realised, even if she broke up with her boyfriend, I'd say no to a relationship with her. Just found out yesterday that she had more of these "adventures" lately... hurts to say it, but 10 out of 10 would agree, she's not the monogamist type; which again is not something to be judged for, although I wish I had had the right attitude (e.g. let's have fun and move on tomorrow), rather than fantasising about being in a relationship with her.
Yes, Fink, this Geritol's for you) need to wake up and realize that sex is the most amazing thing in all its iterations that money can buy
Well there's a unexpected twist and who says you have to buy it ?
Who said sex wasn't great ? ,what we are talking about here is the sociological behavior concerning human sexuality.
If this girl is having sex with different people on a continuous basis, over the long run she's most likely heading toward emotional and psychological problems, not to mention some STD's.
One night stands are not what they're made up to be, this comes speaking from experience as well.
Ok Mr. T Rex,
Please provide supporting evidence of the empirical variety. The data clearly show that females are acting more like males in all things sexual with each passing year.
And hysterical anecdotes aren't evidence.
As predicted. Once the artificial and or external barriers were removed (cultural, social, economic, reproductive (the pill, abortion), religious, educational), girls have evolved to view sex like we do.
Condemnation from Trogs like you is one of the remaining hurdles. Good girls don't in your world.
They do in mine. The 1900s called, Fink, they want their narrow minded judgmentalism back.
Concerning the character image around oneself , does picking up a drunk stranger at party and taking them home for sex, make toward creating a appealing character ?
I think people would say not