Also, why did it take Adam and Eve so long to produce a son after Abel's death and Cain's banishment?
She had a 100 year long headache.
by snowbird 161 Replies latest jw friends
Also, why did it take Adam and Eve so long to produce a son after Abel's death and Cain's banishment?
She had a 100 year long headache.
Hey, Syl!
What about NebuchadRezzar?
I seem to remember that spelling -- alternate rendering or another man?
Per Blondie: A little light reading -- an oversize volume -- such as Hermione does, in HARRY POTTER.
No, silly, man.
They grieved for 28 years.
CoCo, Nebby II is both Nezzar and Rezzar.
Tee hee hee.
Good morning snowbird. That was very sweet of you.
For you, Dear snowbird:
I FEEL THE SUN'S HEAT UPON MY SKIN, yet, too, the damp caress of a wafting fog only now come in from the sea.
It matters not that eyes have long been dimmed to the marvels, the beauties of Nature, while I see her through memories recalled, vibrant in a rainbow of color . . .
Thanks, CoCO.
I read it on the other thread, but felt too inadequate to respond.
Beautiful and ethereal.
Damp caresses?
Off to try to comprehend sardoodledom ...
Thanks, Scratch.
Well, it's good afternoon, now.
Well, it's good afternoon, now......Sylvia
Thanks, Sylvia, for the acknowledgement of the verse I sent you.
The thread you obviously read it on turned up missing when I went searching for it earlier. Somehow, resurrected threads fall immediately back into the grave within a very short time of reposting on them. I had to do a search to find it.
Much ado, much ado . . .
Please, never feel unworthy.
Later, Dear.