Good Morning!

by snowbird 161 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    snowbird, and etal, it's a good morning today, 6 hours of sunshine between the rain we have been getting. But my flowers need the rain.

    Hubbie and are healthy enough to do to things we want and need to do. Mow that lawn before it rains, buy our hanging and container plants (it was 33 F last night) that we can take into the garage, and finish our plans for the garden and flower beds. Irreverent made the first rhubarb pie of the season. We had a piece last night with a small scoop of vanilla ice cream.

    We plan on going to that movie The Lost City of Z Sunday morning....while the rain is back...only $5.....

    We are getting our travel trailer ready for its run through next weekend....

    Hope you have a good weekend with similar things.

    Love, Blondie

  • snowbird

    I can picture it all in my mind, Blondie.

    As you can tell, I'm enjoying my new tablet given to me by one of my g'sons.

    He came by on yesterday and I told him it wasn't charging properly.

    After looking at it, he gave me a most peculiar look, then showed me that I'd placed the whatever in the wrong whatever.

    They are so good to and respectful of me.

    What a blessing!

    Love to you, also.


  • blondie

    snowbird, no grandchildren...but then we didn't have children. We have to borrow someone else's to help us with our technological challenges, but mostly I stumble through a few DBs I frequent who help me get started.

    We are trying to find a small rescue dog....been so long, have no vet and no references whether we will make a good parent. But the local rescue is looking for us with minimum info. We passed the smell test.

    Here's a big hub from us.

    Blondie and Irreverent

  • snowbird

    "technological challenges"

    A good one!

    Good vibes re dog search.


  • nancy drew
    nancy drew

    Good Morning

    another day on planet earth

  • snowbird

    Yes, ma'am, Miz Nancy-Fancy.

    Afternoon here in good ole Bama.



    Afternoon here in good ole Bama......Sylvia

    I`d love one of these after 5pm.................................No Cheating!..

    Image result for alabama slammer drink..Image result for drink after 5pm clock

  • snowbird


    Channeling Ma'Dear. Good Mornting.

    President Trump's 100th day in office.

    Overcast skies in south Alabama.

    How y'all doin'?


  • Village Idiot
    Village Idiot

    Don't be so cheerful snowbird.

  • snowbird

    Woo hoo hoo.

    I started a thread about your avatar.


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