My Story******Short Version!

by think41self 57 Replies latest jw experiences

  • think41self

    I was raised a poor white child in the deep South...ok, Florida, where I still am. My mother found "the truth" when I was 2, so I consider myself raised in it. I have 1 older, 1 younger brother, and 1 "younger" sister. She likes me to emphasize that. My mother was attracted to this wacky religion because her family members were coming into it and they assimilated her...and us along with. My Dad was never a Witness, but he was happy to let Mom take all 4 of us kids to meetings and service because it got us out of the house!

    I was the typical slightly self righteous witness, miss goody goody, left school at 16 to pioneer, which I did for 4 years, met a guy and married him. He had 2 kids from a previous marriage and we had 2 kids of our own. We were married 15 years, until his depression and alcoholism took so much out of me that I had nothing left to give. It was at this time that I began to wonder why Jehovah wasn't "blessing my efforts" since I went to the meetings, service, prayed, had the book study at my house...etc. My ex-husband was an elder, and we were considered the model witness family. So how come the problems of life just kept mounting?

    I began reading some self help books and discovered that magic word "co-dependence", and I began to see what my whole life was all about! Actually, I have AA to thank for that. When my ex-husband was in treatment for his alcoholism, they made the spouses attend AA meetings, and then Al-anon meetings, which are for the families of alcoholics. I began to see how my Mother's example of co-dependence my whole life had programmed me to be that way, too. So I made poor choices in life....I subconsciously sought out a "needy" person as a mate, so I could take care of them. But after years of this, and when he quit taking care of the family and basically told me that if he had to choose between his music(yes, he was a musician) and me and the kids, well....big sigh....he just couldn't give up his music! So, I decided right then that I deserved more out of life than to be second choice for anyone. So I left, and though he tried everything in his power to take back those words, his actions proved nothing had changed.

    At this point in my self-enlightenment, I saw that the religion I had always believed in was nothing but a conduit for co-dependence. Think about it! Jehovah will fix everything, you never have to do anything for devalue yourself to a God who never accepts what you do as good enough any way!

    So, at this point I was having my own crisis of conscience, and would you believe, I met another JW who was going thru the same thing! We worked together, his wife was an alcoholic, becoming increasingly worse, he had to move out for the safety of his son and himself! We began to talk about our doubts, and ask each other, why isn't Jehovah helping us? Doesn't he want to keep families together? The answer became painfully clear to us both, that God WAS NOT listening. And in this shared pain and questioning, a beautiful friendship was forged. And from that grew a love that I thought only existed in fairy tales, unconditional love and acceptance. At this same time, I was supporting my two boys by myself, the house I was renting was foreclosed on(the owners didn't pay the mortgage)even though I paid them rent. So I had 24 hours to find a place to live, so of course my love invited me to move in with him. The elders wanted to meet with us to discuss our situation, we met them at our office and basically told them we weren't going to discuss it, our marriages were over, we WOULD NOT take our dysfunctional mates back, hence, we were disfellowshipped.

    It was very painful, especially for Doug, my sweetie because he is 4th generation witness, and was very close to his family. The shock waves are still resounding after 2 years. He still has nightmares about his family. I don't. My whole family (except my sister!)is so screwed up and dysfunctional I am better off without them. But the end result is: All three of our kids(Doug has 1 son) are now living in a peaceful, stable environment...and seem happy. Therapy for all three helped ease them over the hump of all these changes in their life
    But the happiness, freedom, and peace of mind we now enjoy...was worth all the pain! And I would suffer it all again gladly to prevent my children having to grow up in that dysfunctional cult, where they would be warped adults, still searching for themselves in their 30's.
    Not to mention, having no idea how to make a living or have real relationships with people.

    So, there you have it. I know it doesn't seem like the short version, but trust me, it was. I didn't even get to start on how my brother molested me...or how verbally and emotionally abusive my Father was! I'll save that for another time and another forum. Thanks for your time and attention.

    think41self.....aka Tracy

  • Francois

    Tracy, that was a great story. And I, like you, say that 95% of the pain in my life was directly or indirectly caused by my association with Jehovah's Witnesses.

    I think it's very important for people to post their experiences with JWs. Other people who are still in the Borg and miserable and afriad to get out can read our stories and see that there is life after the Jay Dubs, and abundant life at that. A life of freedom from manipulation, lies, half-truths, deceit, doctrinal flip-flops, and just plain old everday bullshit.

    Yuh dun gud.

    Except for one thing: Florida is NOT in the south. It should be cut off just below St. Augustine and towed up to New Jersey and hooked back on up there.

    Francoise - True Southerner Class

  • think41self

    Thanks Francoise,

    For your kind words. That's funny, I always thought I was in the south! And how would someone with a name like Francoise know the difference?


  • emyrose

    "Jehovah will fix everything, you never have to do anything for devalue yourself to a God who never accepts what you do as good enough any way!"

    I don't remember feeling that way when I was a JW. I never thought Jah
    would fix everything, rather just help me cope with all the hardship
    in this world and (as a true christian) all the persecution from others. I guess depending on how many family members
    join with you and what the climate of the one's congregation is we all differ in how we experience JW life. Of course many other personal circumtances factor in too.
    Anyway, I think its great that you were able to survive all that tragedy and blossom into the really kind individual that you sound
    like and in which the manner that you greeted me in the chat room shows. Looking forward to hear more about your story.

    Thanks, Emyrose

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    I am so happy it worked out for you the way it did. Sounds like you are wayyyyyyyyyyyy better off!!!!!!! I know what you mean about the fairy tale love story. Isn't that just amazing. I am a great believer in things being meant to be. If we keep an open mind when the right person comes along, we will know it. Thinker and I are thankful for that every day!!
    That is amazing, all the months I have been posting here, I never thought about being a JW being a co-dependent relationship. I'll have to pull out my book, I think it is Co-Dependent No More out and see if I can see some more comparisons.
    My counselor said my JW husband was a non-alcoholic with the behavioral patterns of an alcoholic. The book helped me tremendously. I think changing my patterns, due to that book, is what finally made him leave me. Yippeeeeeeeeeee, no regrets on that front.
    Thanks for sharing your story!!

  • Gopher


    Thank you for sharing your story. It's good to know your background (in addition to the chat room friendship).

    I am glad you found a way to build a productive, stable life in spite of "the cards that life dealt you". And the 3 kids you and Doug are raising are a great contribution from you to humanity. God bless you for that!

    I noticed that the 2 mentions of Jehovah were in the negative case, due to what was happening at the time. The first was the empty feeling of lacking his blessing, despite doing everything right during the time of your first marriage. Could this empty feeling have been because at this point, despite your best intentions, you were merely serving men? The routine you mentioned (meetings, service, book study at one's house) is a treadmill of control set up by the WTS. What joy could possibly come from that?

    And the 2nd mention was the feeling you shared (shortly after meeting Doug) that Jehovah wasn't listening (to your prayers, evidently, to keep your former dysfunctional families together). Yet how could Jehovah have saved those situations? (And onto the scene come your local elders, of course punishing the victims here, you & Doug).

    Could it be that God brought you two together at work, and that he wanted to see you succeed outside of the realm of the harmful man-made belief system you were in? (Like you said, part of the religion is that "nothing you do is ever good enough", sigh! how true!)

    Thanks for coming on board, it's so good to know you!

    Gopher, enjoying the fresh air

  • think41self

    Emyrose, Thank you for your kind words, too. I am glad that your experience in the borg was more fulfilling for you...I hope you find peace and happiness.

    TW, What can I say? I knew the minute I read your first post that you and I were kindred spirits! That book, "Co-Dependant No More" is exactly the one I was thinking of. And your experience sounds so similar to mine. Yes, many people can have alcoholic behavior patterns even if they don't drink, ie...raised by one maybe? And yes, I am now a romantic's so nice.

    Gopher, Thank you. I read your story too and was touched at how much you have endured for one so young... And yes, initially I did think that some power must have brought Doug and I together...and that no power in their right mind would want the two of us staying in such destructive relationships!!! But I was trying to convey some of the confusion, anger, and hurt you go through when you don't understand why things are happening the way they are. Now I have progressed waaaaaay past that...but I will discuss God with you on another thread! And now that I have accepted responsibility for the wrong choices I made in life rather than blaming it on ANYONE else, I find that I make much better choices!


    "Is that a banana in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?"

  • poohbear1962


    Thank you SOOOOO MUCH for sharing your experience!! And, like Thinker's Wife, I had never thought of the JW "gig" as being codependant, but you are soooooo RIGHT!! Like you, I was raised in "the truth" *gag*, but, it's like something didn't quite seem right, but I couldn't put my finger on it, know what I mean??

    Also, like Gopher, I believe that a higher power (God, Jehovah, or whomever you are comfortable with) brought you and Doug together... and, I am very happy for you both!! Having a support system between you both is of IMMENSE help in freeing yourself from the slavery of the WBTS, and I think "someone" had a hand in helping you out!!! ;-) The problems you have encountered have been "custom man-made" by our good friend at the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society of New York, and it's successors or assigns... *barf* ;-)

    It's been great meeting you, and I look forward to talking to Doug someday, too!! Does he post on here?? If so, what is his "handle"??

    Take care, and have a WONDERFUL day!! :-)

  • jurs

    i'm glad you posted your story. i've enjoyed your comments to posts as well. i'm glad things have turned out so well for you. its encouraging and nice to hear when someone really does find a nice guy and be happily in love. you seem like a nice gal. i'm happy for you. jurs

  • think41self


    Thank you so much!(((((((Pooh))))))))) consider yourself thoroughly hugged. and kissed! Yes, Doug posts on the board, and he comes in chat...his moniker is FreePeace. He would enjoy talking with you, too.

    Jurs, Thank you sweetie. I have enjoyed your posts, too. Yes, it is nice to have faith in something, even if it is love. I look forward to getting to know you better.


    "Is that a banana in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?"

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