My Story******Short Version!

by think41self 57 Replies latest jw experiences

  • outnfree


    Holy moly! NO WONDER you're so cheery in chat! You have SO much to be happy about now after all you've been through.

    After reading your story (short version) I am convinced that despite my having TWO teenage girls and 4 kids to your three, you trump me!

    Thank you for sharing.
    (female) outnfree

    P.S. Hi, [male] poohbear!

  • think41self


    You crack me up, you really do. I swear to God (or whoever) that I have not forgotten you are female, nor will I ever again! Please forgive me? Now, If I could just remember where the hell you live!


    "Is that a banana in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?"

  • Prisca

    Hi Tracy,

    Thanks for sharing your story.

    When I read stories like yours, it is encouraging to see people overcoming adversities, and having a happy ending!

  • thinkers wife
    thinkers wife

    Kindred spirits indeed. Even our names!!
    Feel free to email me anytime. Box is open!

  • Seeker

    Thank you for posting your story, think. It gives me some insight into your background and personality. I've enjoyed chatting with you, and look forward to being friends.

  • think41self


    You are welcome! I also like happy endings, and glad I got to finally have one!



    Thank you,

    But now that you know me a little better, will you still talk to me in the chat room?


  • Francois

    Hi Think41self:

    Actually, my name is Frank. I use Francois just for the hell of it. I was born and raised in Savannah, GA, but consider Atlanta, specifically Decatur, GA my real home.

    My wife is a Cuban expatriate whose parents still live in Miami and so we are down there a lot. When they cut Florida off at St. Augustine to tow it to New Jersey, they ought to cut it off again just north of Boca Raton and tow that part down to Columbia to hook it back on.


  • think41self

    Hi Frank

    I knew you were from the south....but Georgia?? Oh well, I guess you can't hold that against anyone.

    Miami is an interesting place, it feels like you're in a third world country when you are there. If they cut up Florida and start moving it around, then all the Yanks might start coming to Georgia to retire, so you might want to re-think that one.

    Nice to know you a little better, I enjoy reading your posts.


  • BugEye

    Well Tracy, I finally found your story. And it was a short version.

    I am so glad that you have found Doug, he is a real sweety. ((((((((((((Doug))))))))))))) Tell him that was a manly hug of course. And for you only 1 for now while everyone is watching

    It seems that life has treated you both very well. You have had problems, but you are living life now and no longer dwelling in the past, which is excellent. The future bodes well for the two of you and your three boys.

    Tracy, I have spoken with you a few times now in chat and I think that you are a positive influence here as is your sister.

    Keep it up


  • think41self

    Thank you Dave,

    I will share the (((manly hug))) with Doug.

    And yes, things are definitely going well now...onward and upward and all that positive, cheerful crap!

    Yes, I am enjoying the hell out of this board, and I think Dana is too, so you will all be stuck, er...blessed with our presence for awhile.


    "Is that a banana in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?"

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