For CS, DS and RW
Blood, The Watchtower and Deceit
by Maximus 59 Replies latest jw friends
To drive a thumbtack in this very interesting thread, have you also noticed that in one publication Tertullian is referred to as a "christian writer" and in some other publications, he is villified?
Maximus, your picture looks a lot like costumes I made for dramas years ago. I was a good seamstress and made many of them. At the time it was really fun. Your posts are awesome. Keep them coming.
When you were a DO, did you ever serve on the West Coast? Just wondering. -
Dramas, groan. Memories. They were developed by Ulysses V. Glass and Ed Dunlap, Gilead instructors, to give some life to dull conventions. Ray Franz was in the first drama, Jeremiah, playing the lead in a Canadian presentation under Ulys' direction, when it was found that folks just could not pull off live presentations without lip-synchs. Tapes were hastily sent out, too late to change casts, some of whom just didn't fit the voice.
BTW, This is the actual costume of Maximus in "Gladiator."
When the narrow jpg gets sized, looks like someone has gained an awful lot of weight. The full shot is in the Blood post. Funny, I had just posted you privately via hotmail.Francoise, Dr. Ed Gruss wrote a book some time ago that took a look at the Society's Patristic quotations, citing the early church fathers out of context, either through ignorance or design. (The title does not readily come to mind.) The only ones who did not were men like Ed Dunlap and Ray Franz.
I was unable to decipher the content of your post to "CS, DS, and RW" (assuming I am the "RW" in question). Look forward to hearing from you, my friend. I've been enjoying your much too infrequent posts.
RW -
Boy, it pays to keep on reading!
I noticed a reference to this thread on one of Kent's(?) rantings earlier this week, and spent some time looking for it. Got to page 18 without finding it, and decided to look another time!!!
So I was very excited to find this in a link in bj's post about Tertullian this morning.
I must say that I have been very impressed with your posts, inside knowledge and integrity.
This is an important thread which deserves to come back up top. I, too, have found that many of the early church father's writings when viewed in context do NOT support WT teachings. It was very disheartening for me when I was in my JW apologist phase.
Thanks again for your efforts in disseminating honest information to unsuspecting Witnesses who are blindly putting faith in WT leaders who are neither inspired nor truthful, but rather devious and deceitful.
I have been so crushed to learn of the wickedness of the organization as an entity, despite the sincere desire on the part of many individual members to do real good.
Eusebius Hieronymus
My apologies for not being able to read all threads here.
For those who do, can you tell me if this article or essay has been refuted elsewhere on the board?
Do you view this as credible? Believeable?
I'm most sincere in this inquiry. I have grave concerns about the JW blood doctrine.
Hi, how are you? You are right to have grave concerns seeing little childrens lives are at stake.
I might suggest that you go to ( Take your time and read everything. Then confirm the references that are provided to back up what is written there. It may hurt but it has a lot of stuff.
WRT Dr. Frank Gorman - this is most credible in my not so humble opinion and, no I don't know of any hero of the story who has even attempted to refute it. If you don't think it is a fact - why not buy the book by Frank Gorman and read it for yourself. Or go to your nearest university library. You should be able to get a copy there.
Good luck
I just checked out Bethany College's website - Dr. Gorman is still Chair of the Religious studies department. His e-mail addy is:
I'm going to send Dr. Gorman an e-mail, and a link to this thread, with the hope that he will read it and reply with his thoughts about their dishonesty.
Perhaps two or three of you can do the same? Probably best not to overwhelm the man...may I nominate Maximus, HadEnough and Francoise...what do you think?
Yes, I will be Emailing him too
I would like to prove to him that the WTS actually printed what they did. Thus, I need a scanned copy of the WT 10/01/2001 QFR and cover page.
I don't subscribe to the WT rags so if any of you can help me it would be great.
Thanks in advance