Please PM if you are within driving distance of this city and can assist me with some personal sleuthing.
by Billygoat 16 Replies latest jw friends
Please PM if you are within driving distance of this city and can assist me with some personal sleuthing.
heheh. It starts.
I vote for 350 lbs with hair on her chin.
350 lbs with hair on her chin
Tracking down Rosie O'Donnell? <yep, there's a story in there>
For all of you that PMed me, thank you so much!!! But most of you live too far away for me to not feel guilty about you sleuthing for me. But a couple of you I may contact again. Bear with me as after I posted last night I did a little sleuthing of my own and there is an update. (See Confession Time below.)
heheh. It starts. I vote for 350 lbs with hair on her chin.
As much as I hate to say it Mark, you may be right. Once again her trip to Texas has been cancelled due to complications from her surgery back in August. This trip has been cancelled 6 or 8 times now. I asked my friend John, why he doesn't just go visit her. He said that she doesn't want him to visit until she's "100%". Okay...I understand, but I am amazed at how he doesn't find this strange after all these months. He is still very in love and is doing almost anything to keep this going. He said that they've already made plans for her to move here and has even given her notice at her apartment complex. Well...since I have her mailing address (I sent a get-well card.) I figured I'd do some nosing around. CONFESSION TIME: I hate to admit this because my friend would be really hurt if he knew I did this. I completely trust him. I'm just not sure I trust her. But that alone would hurt his feelings. Since I had her mailing address, I found out the name of her apartment complex on the internet. I called and pretended that I was her friend and heard she was moving out. I pretended that I really liked her apartment and wanted to know when it was available. The manager said that her apartment had not given notice. *sigh* Of course, now I'm really nervous for him. But I'd like some hard evidence that she's playing him, which I don't have. I told Neil what I did and although he understood why I did it, he thinks I should mind my own business. Am I crossing the line? I want to protect John and at the same time I feel he deserves the truth. What do you think I should do? I hate feeling like this.
Neil just doesn't understand how fun this stuff is, lol.
I say, he's your friend, he's in obvious trouble, it is your business.
Rats, I thought this was about your mother . . . .
She ways 350 lbs? He might be in big trouble.
the exact same thing happened to my neighbor. It went on for months. There was always some medical excuse for why they couldn't meet face to face. He finally wised up, although it was very painful for him. They had really clicked on the net and were talking often on the phone. Finally, she pretended to be her own sister and told my neighbor that his internet love had committed suicide. Some time went by and she contacted him again and apologized. He told her never to contact him again and changed his phone number.
Instead of telling your friend what you've already done, why don't you suggest sleuthing for him next time you talk to him and see what he says. If he goes for it, you know what to tell him. If not, you can just keep what you know to yourself, because he doesn't want to know.
Instead of telling your friend what you've already done, why don't you suggest sleuthing for him next time you talk to him and see what he says. If he goes for it, you know what to tell him. If not, you can just keep what you know to yourself, because he doesn't want to know.
The problem is, he doesn't have an issue with her trip continually being cancelled. He has the patience of Job and just believes that "when it's supposed to happen" it will happen. Me offering to "sleuth" would just create friction with US. Some of his other friends have already stated that they don't think she's on the up and up. It's caused him additional stress and I don't want to do that. I agree with them, but I also believe that this may be one of those situations that he may have to live through in order to learn from. I just thought that perhaps with some sleuthing eyes from this board, I might be able to get some hard evidence that she's scamming him. I'm not talking financial scamming, just emotional scamming.
If I'm right about this chick I'm going to be sooo freakin' pissed at her!!!
BTW - did your neighbor ever tell you the name of the girl who scammed him? I have this girl's name (or what she says is her name). Perhaps they're the same person. LOLOL!
Patience of Job? I don't think so. Desperation is more like it, unfortunately. The Internet is full of such stories. It's rather common.