Sorry, but this is not an answer to your question. I was just reading your profile Billygoat and I must say that I was very impressed to say the least! Your experience with the witnesses and your father made you in effect a better person. I realize that it must have been extremely hard for you at the time, but afterwards you can discern the blessings you received from God. Having come to realize that Jesus has died for our sins once and for all times and that we are saved by grace so our sins are forgiven. To realize all that Billygoat is to have a new life in the power of Jesus Christ, who is now in you and the Holy Spirit moving you to action.
I was disfellowshipped in 2000 - That was a turnaround time for me as well - It took me a couple of years to realize that through all the turmoil and hardship I went through, that in reality God has blessed me in so many ways! How could I have seen the real truth if I remained in that cult-like organization which is totally controlled by a super-intelligent wicked spirit Satan the Devil. I feel so very sorry for the people who are still trapped in the Watchtower organization - the only way to help them is to be kind to them (even though they shun you) and pray fervently to God to help you, because only God has the power to make the impossible possible. If we try to do and change them by our own power, then we are actually fighting against Satan and we will never be successful. So keep on praying that Jesus will help you get your father back again - He is Almighty and He will help you accomplish your dreams!
I was baptized just a month ago, having accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and personal Saviour. My life has turned around completely and I thank God for the blessings he has given me and also given me the strength to carry on in the real truth. I am also praying daily for my daughters who are still devout JW's, that they may some day be able to flee that organization and receive God's grace to live in eternity!
Richie :*)