@ TonusOH, I don’t know about the next 10 years but my Bible Study Conductor believes that the end will be in less than 20 years. I wonder how Jehovah’s Witnesses will respond if 20 years pass and the end has not happened?
Where do you see the Organization in the next 10 years?
by ukpimo 31 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
"I wonder how Jehovah’s Witnesses will respond if 20 years pass and the end has not happened?"
The way they always have. Watchtowerites have been expecting the end within a very short time for about 140 years.
Fallen_Winter: my Bible Study Conductor believes that the end will be in less than 20 years.
This is common amongst JWs. I was raised a JW and I was convinced I would not graduate grade school (then junior high, then high school) before the end came. The belief that the end was very near was constant. To this day, my mother is convinced that the end will happen any moment now, because conditions around the world are too difficult to see any way out. She has been repeating that line for decades, now.
If you point this out, she will fall back on the excuse that Jehovah is patient and that time moves differently for him. When JWs say "soon" they mean from God's point-of-view, and to God a day is like a thousand years and vice-versa. Of course, they are not thinking this way when they are warning of the end being soon. They only pull that excuse out when you point out that they have been saying "soon" for more than 100 years now, and most people define "soon" very differently from that.
It is a form of self-deception that is kept in place by the sunk cost of having already invested so much. Many do finally wake up and get out. But quite a few of them --my mother included-- will never give up the hope and expectation.
road to nowhere
I am getting old so it better be soon. Already the tribulation looks problematic because I assume my meds will be in short supply.
I know a brother who is 90 who was never supposed to start kindergarten.
We all face the poverty caused by lack of education and planning
St George of England
It is unlikely I will be around in anything like ten years to find out. The only real consolation is that I ignored the education rules and I went to Uni so at least we will not die in poverty.
joey jojo
As the years go by, I'm hearing of more older JW'S that I used to know dying. This was something that JW's of the last few generations were simply not prepared for. We were not supposed to get old, or lose so many along the way.
There is a big number of JW's that are living in this limbo, caught in between the old and new reality, the old reality brutally smashed courtesy of David Splanes overlapping chart. I think a lot are still in denial about their situation and I struggle to understand how they reconcile it in their minds.
The org seems to be taking off the pressure of the past and settling in for the long run. They might even have a 'thousand year business plan', like Japanese companies did in the 80s, but I doubt God's kingdom has anything to do with it.
As the last of the boomers die and Gen X gets too old to care about anymore, there will be nothing stopping them as no-one will be left to remember watching the failed prophecy of 1914. They are doing this already.
There is no-one alive anymore who witnessed the disappointment of 1914 and history will repeat. Time is their friend. There will always be suckers.
Tony Morris wherever he may be, J Jackson, Splane, Heard, Lett, Cook, Sanderson, will probably all be dead.
They won't be in heaven ruling the Universe. Instead they will join the other "Anointed" biting the dust, like Russell, Rutherford, Franz, Knorr, the Apostles, and the one and only..................Jesus.
They will all be joined by the 100 billion other humans waiting in the grave. Some who believed they were going to heaven and be with Jesus, others who believed they would go to hell and be with Satan, and others who knew full well that death was just going to be the same as before they were born.
There will be prophets, dictators who murdered millions, those who were eaten by lions in the Roman Colosseum, those who drown in the ocean, those who were poisoned by their spouse, those who died by accident. Those who prayed to Zeus, those who worshiped the Devil. Those who were beautiful in appearance, those who were ugly. Those who were rich, those who were poor. Those who lived beyond 100, those who didn't make it to their first birthday.
The Bible that many believe is a book inspired by God puts it very bluntly. It makes it very plain that there will be NO human that will not grow old and never die.
Ecclesiastes 9
Everyone will die someday. Death comes to godly and sinful people alike. It comes to good and bad people alike. It comes to “clean” and “unclean” people alike. Those who offer sacrifices and those who don’t offer them also die.
A good person dies,
and so does a sinner.
Those who make promises die.
So do those who are afraid to make them.3 Here’s what is so bad about everything that happens on this earth. Death catches up with all of us.
Beth Sarim
Joey jojo
I believe that the GenXers is the generation which the Borg ''struck the iceberg"".
Taking on water fast. With the advent of the internet. You can't "unsee" what you you have seen.
Beth Sarim
The internet is ""iceberg right ahead"".
At 11:40 pm brushes against the iceberg.
Taking on water fast. Sinks at 2:21 in the morning.
The internet is the Borgs "" iceberg " moment.
A slow sinking... with may a sudden plunge all at once perhaps?!?!?
It's gonna be just weekly meeting on any weekday... ruining weekends shouldn't be tolerated...
Also socializing gonna be encouraged....like 45 min. before the meeting starts. of course expect them to be a lot more mainstream