FORMER2FREE- Hey bud, how are you doin ' ? Great opening thread by you . Nicely done. Enjoyed chatting with you awhile back, would like to chat again. Great important points you brought out like this one > " So my biggest thing now is I wanna have my research in a format that I can have legitimate references from , and I want to get a file together... "
And then this point is huge > " Study was never a strong suit growing up in the organization we never studied we read their publications AND NEVER ANYTHING ELSE. "
I capitalized the really important part to stress how important it is after mentally getting out of the JW's to KEEP researching and proving all of this stuff to yourself you are finding out online about the WT Society. After you've researched for a few years - I swear - it becomes like Pandora's box and the WT skeleton's and circus carnies start tumbling out of the closet and your head starts becoming like a swivel and as you find out more you'll say " I never knew the WT Society did THAT ! or was that criminal ! "
I went through this same phase a few years AFTER I exited the JW's and never realized how much important information was on the Internet exposing the WT organization that I knew absolutely nothing about until I researched ! But THAT was the WT Society's intention to keep all of us as what Steve Hassan calls in his books on mind control under " information control " so as NOT to learn of the WT Society's criminal, unethical, and harmful ways and past. So the typical JW doesn't have a clue how big a child abuse problem Jehovah's Witnesses have ! It's all part of the scheme of WT leaders to KEEP it that way.
It's going to blow your mind. As I'm quite sure your mind has already been blown at the things you've discovered about the WT Society. But stay steady, stay the course. Desirous of Changes advice is great to not push too hard with your wife. It might drive her back into the JW cult mode if you do. Just show her lots of love so she sees you are the same good guy she married, even better. Because others might tell her that " oh your husband is " drifting " , " weak " , or " losing his spirituality " - when the fact of the matter is that NOW you are becoming MORE into TTATT. You are REALLY truthful now, they just don't know it and are still under mind control.
So these are just a few thoughts I have , hey I'll PM you my contact info on the PM you sent me. Perhaps you could do the same and send your info to me ? Thanks. Hang in there buddy, you will be O.K. and do well. Peace out, Mr. Flipper