I didn't read quite all of this, but I have advise regardless.
You are in a mental state of flux. Having your entire belief system blow up in front of you, with everything that entails, is a ball of yarn not easily unraveled.
So you should do the same thing you would do if you suddenly inherited a million dollars.......nothing.
The reason financial experts (that aren't trying to take your money) would tell you to do nothing with a windfall, is because people make the greatest mistakes right after receiving it. Its almost like the feel they have to do something.
You don't have to do anything. Start over. Do you believe in God? Why or why not? Do you think he is a benevolent and loving creator, or a spark of life that just kind of pushed the snowball down the hill so to speak. if you believe in a benevolent creator, then you have some details to work out, like why does he allow suffering (not because of some cosmic bet with Satan I hope....otherwise he is probably an a**hole). Do you think he has revealed himself in any "holy" books? Have you read any holy books? Have you read any skeptics books or Atheists books?
Maybe its good to just do nothing, not feel that you HAVE TO believe something else right away.
One of the most important things I learned as I left, is that its ok, and really even humble, to simply say I DON'T KNOW.