Branch dedication London

by ExBethelitenowPIMA 44 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    I’ve been invited to the dedication at Chelmsford.

    it’s crazy here, several thousand ex Bethelites here for lots of events. All hotels booked

    big marquee

    Lots of events on here.

    all members of GB invited here but so far only a few have come. Three have beards.

    we still don’t know who will be speaking on Saturday

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    They had a big double decker bus to drive us all around

    it was a worldly company and I don’t know what the drivers thought, they must have thought we were all drunk. Maybe some were they certainly acted like it.

    everyone seems overly happy like it can’t be real.

    so many events, they have a big watchtower frame and you can line up to have your photo taken looks like you are on the watchtower cover

    lots of gifts with the branch dedication logos on

  • ExBethelitenowPIMA

    They have made a big fake courtroom and some brother dressed up with wigs and costumes like they are judges. So people can pretend they are going to court to sign something to renounce their faith.

    There is a such a buzz in the air it’s hard to describe

  • stan livedeath
    stan livedeath

    i'm impressed

    i wonder if jehovah is ?

  • Dagney

    Any Paul Gillies sightings? Beard?

  • Biahi

    Ex Bethelite, fake courtroom and judges? 🤮

  • Halcon

    What is Chelmsford replacing?

  • Mickey mouse
    Mickey mouse

    The old bethel at Mill Hill, North London. Prime real estate.

  • Nostromo

    Who is the 3rd GB member with a beard?

  • BluesBrother

    All congregations in the British branch area are to cancel the scheduled meeting this weekend and zoom into the Branch dedication event . It promises to be a 3 hour bladder marathon.

    I am not looking forward to it . I am saddened by the razzmatazz that ExBethelite describes, sounds tacky and cheap . Any early updates would be appreciated, and a photo of that “courtroom”?

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