I always looked forward to John Paluso's visits...he was a kind, cool man who never made working with him intimidating or threatening. He gave great talks and genuinely liked helping people. I understand he left being a CO to start a family in So. CA.
My Most Memorable Circuit & District Overseers
by MillennialDawn 42 Replies latest jw friends
My EX Bro-in-law became a CO, I believe. Gary Elson. Nice enough chap, I have nothing against him. I haven't seen him in many years though. He's in Ireland?
Our family were looking up to DO and CO's. We gave much money handshakes. Later on we were realising the corporate nature of this men. It was all about the organization. Some were not bad at all but became hard en cynical during the years. Some were mad or stupid. Now being pomo we are happy being free from jw.org and it's officials. It's all a waste.
JW GoneBad:Speaking of obnoxious & unpleasant...I remember C.O. Lou Razor. Many if not most JWs in the circuit were happy to have this A-hole transferred far away!
I remember Razor. What an asshat. I recall one disagreement was concerning whether to leave back issues of the magazines at doors where no one answered.
He went on and on about following directions from the F&DS etc. I argued that I think they are of more use left at a "not-at-home" than rotting in my closet.
Razor was a true douchebag. Ego-driven.
I remember Razor. What an asshat. I recall one disagreement was concerning whether to leave back issues of the magazines at doors where no one answered.
OMGosh that's a name from the past. I agree, he was terrible. I remember I was in service with him and he actually kept on loudly talking at the door after the householder had closed it. I was mortified.
Paluso was nice, colorful. Ended up as an elder in Santa Monica,CA. Of course have no idea where he is now as I've been out 23 years.
In my experience, non to compare with “Cyclone Rex” Manwaring. Loathe the bastard or like him (?), he was certainly unforgettable!
@ punkofnice - Barry Birtles? I love the man!!!
I was "selected" to go on the ministry with him when he made his 1st visit to our cong.
I was a naive, newly-baptised publisher. As we were walking, I asked him a straightforward Bible question.
He immediately snapped back at me, "Why don't you write to the Branch?" End of conversation! I did, and as a result, I woke up big-time to the cult. Thanks Barry.
Years later - in hindsight - I figured that he didn't believe the org's "teaching" on the subject, but he wasn't going to sacrifice his position by telling a minion what he thought.
Angelo C. Manera - One of the best speakers I have ever heard....
--Not sure if it's the same guy, but a gentleman by the name of A.C. Manera Junior (Always introduced by that title) was a "District Overseer" in the Phoenix area decades ago.
My impression (Admittedly from a distance) was that he had a pretty bad case of "short man syndrome."
Booger - I love the man!!!
Yes. I love him like terminal constipation too.
Hans Hubbler was a C.O in New Zealand and the most horrable, disliked C.O ever.
They had problems getting people to have him and his equally horrable wife for meals.
He ordered the attendents to remove a crying baby at an assembly.