I met Samuel Roberson at Patterson in December 2009 while attending the KM Schools. He was one of the instructors. We connected because I’m in the Car cleaning business. I sent him a cleaning kit. Super nice guy.
My Most Memorable Circuit & District Overseers
by MillennialDawn 42 Replies latest jw friends
wannaexit3 days ago
My most memorable was Wayne Johnson. He was so stuck up and made a whole bunch of rules for other to follow. A real ass. I heard he was later removed from his lofty DO throne. He served in Canada and particularly in Ontario
I remember him. I was too young to know what kind of a prick he really was but older people have filled me in.
Larry Erickson. He made grown men cry. One elder actually stepped down before Larry’s visit because he knew he was out (shift worker) and didn’t want to endure being bullied by Erickson.
Terry Attick. Manipulative prick. Obsessed with talking about the dangers porn with the elders and ministerial servants. I think he was viewing it secretly and projecting. That guy would interfere in everyone’s lives and broke up many boyfriend/ girlfriend couples. He belittled my wife and children to their faces. Not a pleasant person to be around.Link +2 / -0 -
He was a nice guy but they ground him down and he left the CO work
That sounds like the M.O. employed against every single one of the very few decent men I knew who were C.O.'s. Either grind them down and push them out or they cave in order to stay in.
A few that I remember as being decent were W. Bjornson (last thing in and first thing out of the trunk of his car was a saddle.) Gary Breaux back in the 70"s. Enjoyed Budweiser beer, pizza, and Cajun music. Don't know what happened to change him. The guy on the videos now ain't the guy I knew then!
Prouton, Misterfeld, Smelzer, Harfman, Greene, and so many more were total assholes! they didn't give two s--ts for anyone that didn't have a title.
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