Technically it is just bunch of Planck Time lengths away but who's counting?
CO at assembly in Ohio repeatedly says great tribulation is "only minutes away"
by LevelThePlayingField 54 Replies latest watchtower bible
As today's developments, the only thing "two minutes away" is the US war with Iran....a.k.a known as "the third Gulf War".... cross fingers not happen...
LOL:) A US and Iran war would no doubt be what would led into the GT. War with Iran would include Russia and China and end up being WW3, which is what will occur at some point, which will be the pretext for the kings of the earth to give their power to the wild beast (UN), which at that point will become the 8th king. The 8th king authority will be for 42 months (GT) and then Jesus will arrive at the end of that period.
Sort of reminds me of the doomsday clock.
2 minutes until midnight
As today's developments, the only thing "two minutes away" is the US war with Iran....a.k.a known as "the third Gulf War".... cross fingers not happen...
Unfortunately, US Presidents have figured out that if the country is involved in a war at election time, the sitting President is almost always re-elected.
With this said, the "Orange Dictator" will almost certainly try to leverage this, considering that any reasonable candidate from the Democraps will almost certainly beat him.
So for all intents the purposes, I would tentatively say that the "establishment" will be looking for an excuse to start a war with Iran. Now whether Iran will take the bait and do something stupid, or further, if the US will stage a mock attack to justify a war is still unclear.