Any New Year's resolutions in mind?

by JH 24 Replies latest jw friends

  • JH

    Less than a month from 2004, are you already thinking of New Year's resolutions? Anything drastic in mind?

  • sens

    Yes I am becoming a nun.

    and u JH?

    ~ Sens ~

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    yes, and it has nothing to do with increasing hours spent in the preaching work!

  • JH

    I was a brother in my past life.

  • franklin J
    franklin J

    what a coincidence, JH; so was I...and I thought I had all the answers. A bit smug, if you ask me ...

  • Nosferatu

    I'm going to quit smoking for 10 minutes. I'm pretty sure I can do that one successfully.

  • sens

    lmao nos!!!

    ~ Sens ~

  • franklin J
    franklin J


    what I meant in my previous post was that I WAS A BIT SMUG ( as a JW). not you or anyone else who posts here.

    Perhaps my new years resolution should be to post my thoughts more clearly....

    frank ( of the foggy headed class) ( and I did not even take a cold tablet today!)

  • sens

    I got what you tried to say franklin...when he said bro I wasnt sure if he was saying ex jw or a monk due to my nun comment...lmao

    ~ Sens ~

  • iiz2cool

    My New Years resolution? I'm going to contact my local body of elders and express my sincere repentance to them. I will ask to be reinstated into the loving arms of the congregation so that I may freely fellowship with my loving brothers and sisters. I will stop drinking, smoking, and fornicating. I will eagerly participate in the field ministry.

    I don't believe in New Years resolutions.


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