Shocking video from shows the "new light" that there was no slave class handing out spiritual food for 1900 years!! So the original governing body became apostate and fell apart. Charles Russell re-started the faithful slave even though the Watchtower admits he learned everything he ever knew from the "second adventists". There really was no slave class till after Rutherford died or to be exact till 1976! Totally shocking,
New teaching =There was no "Faithful slave" for 1900 years until Charles Russell!!
by Witness 007 18 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
The other shocking part is, that this preposterous idea is only now sinking in, . Many local jws are not totally aware of that "1919 governing body only slave",--even after all the years that it has been around. because
It is so self evident, unless you taught that millions [ten] now living will never die, and Jesus spoke of an overlapping generation, how could you possibly be faithful and discreet?
lusitano o tuga
hey, I think this post is interesting, but where is this video?I had seen TV.JW.ORG, but I see no video teaching what you said...
where is this ?
when these video was released?
lusitano o tuga
But I see an interesting video about a shocking teaching of JW IN A SPECIAL MEETING HELD IN BRAZIL
january 22, was shocking
Gilson Marques of brazilian branch committe said that for Jesus (jesus thought according him) the preaching was (and is ) more important than the ransom. He cited Matthew Chapter 20 versicle 28 and made fallcious commentaries about the text!
if you understand portuguese or spanish you will understand...see the blasphemies!
lusitano o tuga
the link below
I think it was two years ago?
Using the video title as the clue, I think this is the video that the OP is refering to:
"David H. Splane: The “Slave” Is Not 1900 Years Old (Matt. 24:45)"
It's been discussed here a few times, for example:
lusitano o tuga
see time space between minutes 36:00 and 38:50 !
just it will ..................
Yesu Kristo Bwana Wangu
i found the same thing as you, about saying that the most important thing that Jesus did was the preaching work.
i found it in the daily text for saturday 18 march.
Saturday, March 18
If anyone would minister to me, the Father will honor him.—John 12:26.
Among the crowds in Jerusalem were some Greek proselytes who evidently were so impressed with Jesus that they asked the apostle Philip to arrange a meeting with him. Jesus, however, refused to be distracted from the more important matters that lay ahead. He certainly did not want to try to gain popularity in order to avoid a sacrificial death at the hands of God’s enemies. So after explaining that he would soon die, he said to Andrew and Philip: “Whoever is fond of his life destroys it, but whoever hates his life in this world will safeguard it for everlasting life.” Rather than satisfy the curiosity of those Greeks, he recommended following his self-sacrificing course and said the words of today’s text. No doubt, Philip carried this positive message back to the inquirers. (John 12:20-25) Though Jesus refused to be distracted from his main purpose of preaching the good news, he was not always thinking about work. w15 10/15 3:13, 14
In French it is even clearer (but that might also be because english is not my first language)
Bien que Jésus n’ait pas voulu se laisser distraire de son objectif principal, la prédication de la bonne nouvelle, il ne pensait pas qu’à travailler. w15 15/10 3:13, 14.
Jesus was sent to earth to fulfill the scriptures, that was his main objective in my view, not the preaching work. I think it is appaling that they portray Jesus as someone that is just like JW's, a 'full time pioneer'. JW's say they are like the first century Christians. But instead of acting like first century Cristians, they make the first century Christians look like 21st century JW's. not the other way around.
Kinda shocking statement, but I think he was going ahead of the official doctrine. Or going back to the days of Rutherford ....
lusitano o tuga: it was shocking - Gilson Marques of brazilian branch committe said that for Jesus (jesus thought according him) the preaching was (and is ) more important than the ransom. He cited Matthew Chapter 20 versicle 28 and made fallcious commentaries about the text!
Not new??
For example:
Watchtower 15 January 1961, page 36
All quite true, but these are but the most elementary things. We must advance to an appreciation of his chief purpose for coming to earth and what he requires of his followers in addition to their believing on him. What was the chief purpose for which he came to earth? As he told Pilate: “For this purpose I have been born and for this purpose I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth.” Witnessing came first with him; providing salvation for man was secondary.—John 18:37.
Watchtower 1 September 1991, page 18Jesus himself told Pontius Pilate that his main purpose in coming to earth was to communicate the truth to mankind: “For this I have been born, and for this I have come into the world, that I should bear witness to the truth.” (John 18:37)