This will most likely be my last post. I do hope you read it.

by azaria 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • Gadget

    please don'tt think we're heartless because we don't reply to your thread. one, things move so fast on here things may be missed. two, i read a lot of things, i remembre your post, but my head is so f*** up at the minute, i do not feel i could reply my feelings to your post and do it justice. That does not meanyour post has not touched my heart, just that my responce to it goes beyond what this board can comprehend. I hpe you will continue to post here, I look forward to reading your post's.

    I have not rejected God; I have rejected a doctrine-a belief of a man and his followers.

    Everybody here has to make thier own minds up, thats one of the benefits of being a non-jw, we can make our own minds up. Personally, I find I cannot believe in a god anymore, but I have the upmost respect for anyone who can. You do what feels right for you, and f*** anybody who says different.

  • little witch
    little witch

    One way to keep your thread alive is to be pro-active.

    After you post, watch for responses, and reply to them. Don't let your post die due to neglect!

  • mouthy

    I too missed your post-As most have stated on here they go by so fast I cant keep up ( I think I do well for 76( pat me on the back PLEASE!!!) But I just went to the site you metioned & I am sorry i didnt read it. But I think what Fran posted was excellent. We DONT need any building to worship .& I am going to tell you what I think & When they throw the tamatoes,rocks ,stones I will say GET LOST!!!! I too believe that all you have to do to KNOW God - is Stop reading the WT Bible & get a differant one. John 17:3 says to KNOW Jesus( & The Father) not take in the knowledge. It tells us in 2nd Corth 13:,5,6 to examine if YOU are in the faith!!!! how??? Is Jesus in you. So why not invite him IN YOU...I know many on here think it is rubbish!!!! but if your that wondering >give it a try.Even tell God what your feeling! "I dont know if your there God Who you are etc:" But I believe you WILL get some answers. . I am sorry you feel deserted but look at me I asked a question about "A ROYAL DUTY" I didnt get ONE reply -you did get 11 ....Hang in there kid if you want to blast me- PM me I would love to chat with you =----(((((HUG))))

  • jst2laws

    Azaria, I looked at your thread which I had missed. I'm glad you got 11 responses. As others have said that is not too bad. But you obviously are hurting and I'm glad more are responding to your needs on this thread. In your other thread you said:

    I?m just starting to understand the feeling of isolation and loneliness that one feels when they leave the JW org. I have been with a Christian Reformed Church for 14 years and in one night I go from someone with peace to someone that feels that they were in a cult for 14 years. I feel I was totally naive-I thought this was a benign religion, mainstream, what could possibly go wrong?

    I hope you do not feel that some ignored you because you were not a JW or an exjw. I doubt people made a rational judgment of your topic and found it inappropriate here. You have not "broken a rule" as you thought, we only have guidelines here. While I said in that thread ( )

    " We allow for a variety of different subjects not clearly related to JWs"

    I p ersonally feel your experience IS related to exjws, very much so, because it is good for the exjws to see that they are not the only victims, the only ones in the world who have wasted times in a high control religion (cult) and be harmed by that experience. I hope you continue to make friends here and recover to the point that you will someday be able to support others who have suffered like you. Jst2laws

  • Surreptitious
    Everybody has to wok for someone or something.

    I agree. Especially in China.

  • Pistoff

    Please stay here with us; we need all voices, and keep posting. I know how it feels; that minimus seems to get millions of replies to his posts, and mine just sit there too. Keep it up; sorry if we offended by not posting.

  • Sassy
    I p ersonally feel your experience IS related to exjws, very much so, because it is good for the exjws to see that they are not the only victims

    that is true jst2laws. I have to admit that with it just opening up to me how blinded I was as a JW and controlled.. I have really not looked at the big picture that others can feel the same way from other sources..

    Thank you Azaria

    PS.. Little Witches comment about it being good to reply to posts in a thread you start is a "good idea". It shows people you appreciate the time and thought they put into reading and commenting on your thread and also keeps the thread going..

  • seven006

    My damn "r" key sticks, gimmy a break. Whad'da ya expect when my keyboard was made in China?

  • little witch
    little witch

    Thats nice seven....real nice.....

    I will take this up with you later.

  • FlyingHighNow


    SNS and I have been discussing that sometimes you get the feeling you are being overlooked when you're new here. I know I sure got that feeling. I made one thread that got only a handful of replies and one that got many. Both were about music. It's true that the threads do scroll and sometimes it's eveb hard to find your own thread unless you do a topic history on yourself.

    I'm going to go right now and look at the thread you linked and comment. I hope it's not too late.

    Take care and realize that those people who read your thread but did not comment probably took something away that helped them. A lot of people on the EXJW boards read more than they post.

    Take care and look for my reply to your other thread. If you are still here. I hope you're still here.



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