nonjwspouse - You are bulls eye perfect! Just more evil by the left - nothing new but increases by the second. Good thing they've run the unions/school districts to brainwash the young so they'll have a base for votes. My California, retired-friends are wondering who is going to pay all the taxes and handouts once they're all dead and gone.
Messing isn't exactly easy on the eyes -- beauty clearly in the eye of the beholder. Maybe she needed the attention/publicity -- or something!
California is the best example of socialism as a type of government - rat hole cities - homeless, hungry-junkies increasing everywhere, (and I LOVE California), education system has been failing for decades (the lottery contributing gazillions hasn't helped one iota), state taxes through the roof and for what? Maybe if they could help the homeless and disadvantaged (other than just the illegals with housing/medical, handouts) and clean the horror up those in the center (and right) of the political spectrum could appreciate the state and their ideology. It's discouraging some from going there unless critical - like for medical.