Finklestein, animals and insects weren't created to live forever, just as fruit and vegetables die after ripening. For those who have replied on here about God being cruel for drowning children in the flood, he also drowned out every animal besides those on the Ark. If you are of God's mindset, you can remember everything about each person and bring them back when you are ready. That's the genetic code he laid out in DNA. I'm sure you've heard the term "I brought you into this world, I can take you out'? With God you can add "I can bring you back too'. The immense power God has we cannot fathom. He made every star to radiate heat like our sun. It would be to us unimaginable to create the power ratio of just our sun let alone countless Trillions sustained as the Universes expand. Scientist always try to state creation in the Billions of Years ago aspect to make it all sound plausible because, if man was created 6 thousand years ago, and the rest we see 12-13 thousand years ago, it would have to have been created by God.
Jesus said Truly I tell you This Day...
by JohnTron72 25 Replies latest watchtower bible
Actually JW says creation might be billions of years old. But creationism is essentially reading a western mindset into the Bible. Rabbinal sources go about it a little differently
I think the answer can Only be he was telling the man on THAT day, he would see him again in the restored paradise.
You are correct because Jesus was dead and out of existence from Nisan 14-16. He was in hell but not burning. He was resurrected on the 3rd day. That man was still dead because no resurrection took place until 1918.
He was in hell but not burning - Ratty
Are you aware of how absurd these things sound to rational people? Do you care?
Finklestein, animals and insects weren't created to live forever,
just as fruit and vegetables die after ripening.
So how do you know that ???
Do you have scriptural reference or you've been in Paradise yourself ???
Jesus promised that death will be no more in his newly established Kingdom order !!!
Let’s eat, Grandma.
Let’s eat Grandma.
If I uttered the three words above, and you were tasked with writing down my words with the proper meaning, which version has a higher likelihood of being accurate and why?