Punkofnice , I wanted to respond to your question for me about if I believe in the God stuff. Some have responded that things in the Bible could be adjusted to fit some scriptural prophecy to make it work such as when I stated the 1000 years is a Day to God and, that the oldest man lived 969 years and Adam 900 plus showing they lived and died within 1 day according to God's word. I can tell you that when I went through school,the idea that man evolved from Apes was pushed but, along that line Neanderthal was primitive man. Now science itself admits that Neanderthal man was a separate species than Man with larger brains (which should make them more intelligent, grew more quickly and were the first to hunt animals). This idea was shown to be true in the Bible for at least since Moses day. It is why God brought the flood in the first place. After Satan caused the fall of man, other angels looked upon women of Earth and desired them so, they made Earthly bodies and had sex with women. The children of the angel/ human's were tyrants that went about causing bad and taking all that they wanted. - This is confirmed in the Bible. That is why God flooded the Earth, to destroy the bad line of angel children before there were no good people left to save. Today, scientist admit they cannot understand what happened to this other race since, they all vanished! Science has only come to this finding in the past 10-15 years tops so, the Bible's explanation was dead on even before Jesus day. If that fact doesn't show someone of higher power knew than nothing could convince them. Comments are indeed welcome.
Jesus said Truly I tell you This Day...
by JohnTron72 25 Replies latest watchtower bible
Jesus said he did not know the day or the hour of the final judgement. He also did not know when the kingdom of Israel would be restored. Since it was uncommon for Jesus to say "truly i tell you this day" he must have really meant that day. The only possible reason he promised the paradise that day to the thief was to soften the blow of that guy's execution. Jesus interchanged the word death with the word sleep at another time. It was going to be a fact that all three men on those crosses were going to die that day. When the thief died that day, it seemed like that same day to him after he came to life on the last day of the resurrection. It hasn't happened yet because the last day is not here yet.
Adam and Eve for that matter would have had no concept of a thousand years being one day ,so they would have in all probability believed what we understand a day meaning.
A thousand years being a day in Gods sight wasn`t brought out till thousands of years later .
So as far as Adam and Eve were concerned God deceived them and the snake satan told the truth.
Simply because they didn`t die in what they would have understood a day to be.
Also Satan / snake told the truth when he said their eyes would be opened knowing good and bad and in that sense being like God.
I think Jehovah god is the bad guy here and Satan has been given a raw deal.
Adam and Eve would have fully understood death since some animals or insects would have died many times for them to know. They had never lied to God before so, they felt shame from the act and then even began the blame game. It's the same BLAME Game that continues to this day as apparent by the majority who post on here. God doesn't have to tell us anything but, what he doesn't want us to do which is usually of benefit to each other. God would not have killed off Adam and Eve in a literal One Day because, they would not have had children and then later Jesus would be born along man's line to fix the wrong Adam started for us. Anyone who Denies Adam existed, denies Jesus purpose was to die sinless to right Adam's sin and give us all one more chance to live forever, even Atheist have that chance. My post on here are never against God. Get that straight. My post are to point out flaws that GB have published as God's own word but, didn't come true and hurt many in God's name, or to point out interesting theories that I've never seen published anywhere else but, could have or could change the ideas written in the Bible. Like I stated in another tread, Adam could still be alive today if he had refused to have a child with Eve after eating the fruit. God had already uttered the first prophecy and it is written that God cannot say something and it not come true. If Adam had not bore a child with Eve for the first 1000 years, God's word would have became a lie. He would have had to keep Adam alive until he had a child or there would have not been a seed to bruise Satan. Anyone who says Adam couldn't refrain from Eve to save his Everlasting life is thinking with the wrong head. Some have said Adam was too childlike to have known and that isn't true. He knew fully what would happen, it is written that he did. Sure he sinned and then felt shame. Even With Sin didn't make Cain feel remorse for slaying his brother did it? I had replied on here from most who buy into not believing Adam even existed, Eve or maybe Satan even. But, I also had a intelligent replies from former Witnesses who read and agreed that my idea would have indeed been possible although it would have required solid determination. I know a mixture of people will read my comments and the main thing is to me that if any have lived and seen the GB publish writing that didn't come true but, put it out there as if it were fact in God's name, to hold those accountable but, Not God. I will never give in to my beliefs of God despite anything preached wrong by any religion. If God sees fault with me, it will be his alone to decide, not anyone else.
. You are like a man standing on a street corner shouting at the top of his voice with his fingers in his ears.
Engage in conversation. This is called a discussion forum for a reason. You might even learn something.
'He who knows only his own side of the case knows little of that'.- John Stuart-Mill. On Liberty
Also JT72 , Satan / snake told the truth when he said their eyes would be opened knowing good and bad and in that sense being like God.
What do you say to that ?
JohnTron72Jesus mother mary was a sinner like every other human ,so Jesus being born from a sinner couldn`t himself be a perfect human being . -
If Adam and Eve lived in a paradise state with nothing dying, how could they know what death was ?
Tronny- Thank you for you r response. I am grateful.
Now science itself admits that Neanderthal man was a separate species
I think they're called the far left these days.
Half banana
John you are prideful in your having a Bible based faith. Most of us on this site were believers once but have re-evaluated our stance. I don't intend to be insulting but stubborn determination to find absolute truth in the Bible will fail, it will not save you from anything except learning about reality.