Let me just throw in an example just to show how dishonest these quotes from "evolutionists" are.
One of the quotes found in the hebronics.org website is this one:
"One is forced to conclude that many scientists and technologists pay lip-service to Darwinian theory only because it supposedly excludes a Creator." (Dr. Michael Walker, Senior Lecturer, Anthropology, Sydney University. Quadrant, p. 44)"
Wow! A quote by a scientist that even includes the reference to the work where it was published. Must be legit, right? Well, it was abundantly quoted in the creationist website Answers in Genesis. (The same people behind the new Noah's Ark attraction).
Well ...someone took the effort to actually go and read the context of that quote. Here's what the author originally wrote.
"One is forced to conclude that many scientists and technologists pay lip-service to Darwinian theory only because it supposedly excludes a Creator from yet another area of material phenomena, and not because it has been paradigmatic in establishing the canons of research in the life sciences and the earth sciences."
"Dr Walker's essay To Have Evolved or To Have Not? That is the Question, from which AiG selectively quotes, is of no assistance to the YEC cause or their argument in this case. The essay does not condemn Darwinism per se but merely questions how those scientists Dr Walker claims pay lip service to Darwin's Theory can use it to explain the emergence of human culture. Nor does Dr Walker support creationism which he refers to as "scientifically bankrupt" and "sterile bible [sic] bashing". The main point of discussion in his essay is the emergence of Man as a moral and spiritual being and he believes that neither biology nor the Bible can explain this. He discusses the proposition that any attempt to explain the emergence of human culture within evolutionary theory is wrong and the key to discovering when and how this occurred lies in the period somewhere between 20,000 and 5,000 years ago when written records began to be used."
Beware of those pesky 'quotes from evolutionist scientists in favor of creationism' because, as evidence shows, they are generally manipulated in dishonest ways to mean something they don't mean to.