new to the forum

by kgrrl 39 Replies latest jw experiences

  • CruithneLaLuna

    Dear Kelli,

    It is good that you are finding healing. It is very sad but true that the JWs cannot and do not offer any real healing; in fact, people are just supposed to change their behavior, whatever it takes, and behavior is judged on its moral value, or against an absolutist moral scale, regardless of what's behind it. I personally believe that people need to be healed rather than punished. If a person is potentially a bad influence on others or may cause harm to others, that must be dealt with, but why is "punishment" the best way to do that? It might be more useful to think first in terms of society's debt to miscreants (what did "we" do to elicit your bad behavior, and how can we heal you and ourselves so that you can lead a productive, happy life contributing to your own and the common welfare?) rather than in terms of the miscreant's "debt to society."

    Warm regards,


  • mouthy

    Clappy So happy to see you join us!!! You have sure gone through the wringer!!! But SO happy you came out the Bright side of life-away from the CULT...& I am sure the "little one" brings MUCH joy to your life....Your still very young- ANY ONE that uses the bible ( even in a twisted way) says Jesus died for us to have life MORE ABUNDANTLY ---So my love Abundantly LIVE!!!!!! Jesus says IT IS FINISHED,,,He meant that for KERRI!!!!! Stay with us....

  • Kenneson

    Welcome KELLI

  • jst2laws

    Good to have you join us Kelli,

    You have found people who understand, some have had similar experiences. I'm glad you are getting counseling now.

    Besides the burden of the abuse you suffered, I wonder if you dealt with the feelings, "I have left the true religion". Hopefully you have have gotten beyond this. If not perhaps friends here will help you with the facts. And for a heavy dose of reality you can get Ray Franz's book Crisis of Conscience.

    Looking forward to hearing more from you.


  • JamesThomas


    Hope to hear more from you soon.


  • drwtsn32

    Welcome, Kelli!!

  • Dansk

    Hi Kelli,

    WELCOME! That was a wonderfully brave post and it will certainly help in the healing process.

    As you can see already, your presence here is lovingly received. You?re amongst real friends now.


    Ian & Family

  • chachasmum


    There is a wealth of information on this site, and many posters like yourself that have gone through abuse at the hands of those hypocrites. Hope you stay around.

  • BluesBrother

    welcome to kelli

    So sorry to read of the past bad times...God it makes me think of of those committee meetings I once took part in. I sincerely hope no one looks back and says what you do about any that I was on.. I dont think so.

    Keep posting

  • freedom96

    Welcome to the site. I am sure you will enjoy it like we do.

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