new to the forum

by kgrrl 39 Replies latest jw experiences

  • shotgun

    Welcome ((((((((((Kelli))))))))))) Very brave of you to share your past with us.

    Drop by often to let us know how you are.

  • kgrrl

    Thank you for the warm, truly loving responses from all of you!

    I am overwhelmed and speechless


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Hi kelli Nice that you joined us.

    feeling sad at one more abused person

  • FlyingHighNow

    Hello Kelli,

    Welcome to the forum. I applaud you for being brave enough to tell your story. I've been here a couple of months, maybe more and haven't shared my story yet. It's so complicated and painful that it's hard to type it out. Discussing the JW experience with exjws and those who sympathize will further your healing.


  • bisous

    Kelli, this is my 1st time here too so welcome from another newbie.

  • Gopher


    Welcome to the forum. I too am cut off from my parents and old friends, and it took a while to get past it. This forum was a big help, for on here there are more understanding people than you can find anywhere else! We have a "worldwide brotherhood" here, just without all the rules and requirements.

    So come on board and join in the fray every so often. It sure is nice to have you and many other new folks jump in and help us know that the board continues to help folks old and new!

  • jwsons

    ( ((((((((((((((((((((((( Welcome Kelli)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

    Lady Lee surely will add your name to our Canadian map


  • Brummie
    I thought it was time I say hello and start to share my thoughts.

    About time too! :)

    Great to meet you


  • LyinEyes

    Welcome Kelli, I am sorry to hear about the things that happened in your past. There are so many sad stories on this board,,,,,,,,they start sad,,,,,,but the endings are happy. So many have endured things that have made all of us cry,,,,,literally sitting at our computers and crying ,,knowing all too well the things that were allowed to be done to children.

    It is an honor to stand next to everyone on this forum for their strength and courage, in what they went thru, and for leaving the WT,,,,even as painful as it might have been.

    You will find true friends here, many who have had very similar things happen to them. You will always find a listening ear when you want to vent, or when you want to share the happy things.

    My daughter's name is Kelly,,,,,,,and it just tears me up to think of what you , Kelli went thru. You sound like a strong young woman. I am trying to raise my daughter to be a strong woman too,,,,,,,,,to never let anyone hurt her in any kind of way. The name Kelly, means Female Warrior......very fitting for both of you , I would say.

  • Narkissos

    Welcome Kelli and thanks for sharing.

    Take care,


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