'Experiences(tm)'! Made up or totally true??

by punkofnice 70 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Diogenesister
    How many have heard about the kid being saved from a snake ( lion, car) because he always obeys dad?

    🤣😂Not sure where you live, but not around these parts we don’t hear ‘em like that!!

    Ive had to do this on 3 different occasions.

    If this happens so often to so many people, Most Elders and all C.O.s must know about these lies.

    So why the heck do so many Elders and C.Os, then, remain in the Org?

    They MUST know it’s all B.S. if lying at assemblies is this routine.

    It’s this sort of thing that convinces me the higher ups absolutely know it’s BS. Either that or they have to believe Jehovah has deserted them.

  • atomant

    lts really sad to see how gullible the witnesses truly are.As a group they are very gullible and seem to live in lala land.Brain washed and unable to think for themselves.

  • punkofnice
    Jay - You must be from ol' Blighty surely.

    You're right - Cambridgeshire.

  • dozy

    One of the problems with regard to experiences is that the Society are often very specific in their instructions to the speaker eg "interview a brother or sister who came into the truth as a result of a witness from a workmate" or "ask a pioneer to relate encouraging experiences he / she enjoyed from the recent tract campaign".

    In many cases it was impossible to find such an experience , so you are left with trying to shoehorn often virtually fictional experiences into the item. To make matters worse , the more humble JWs tend to be quite reticent about appearing , so often it is the more boastful "look how Jehovah has blessed me" types that come forward and usually these are quite willing to "amend" the experience somewhat , to put it mildly.

    I recall one assembly when a young sister from my own congregation was being interviewed , much to my amazement. This was a sister who had several times been reproved for immorality and was a constant troublemaker but was portraying herself as a zealous spiritual giant and the most chaste virgin imaginable. It was the talk of the congregation afterward and many were astonished that she was being held up as an example.

  • eyeslice2

    The other way they get round no new experiences, is to re-tell old ones.

    I've often seen 'brother and sister old timers' being interviewed on the platform relating experiences from 30 plus years back, especially if they were ex-missionaries or had served overseas.

  • punkofnice
    Dozy - One of the problems with regard to experiences is that the Society are often very specific in their instructions to the speaker

    Yes. I remember this. It certainly did make it difficult. I'd say this shows either that the corporation is dimwitted or manipulative with the propaganda.

    ...many were astonished that she was being held up as an example.

    I have seen this scenario more than once.

    eyesy - is to re-tell old ones.

    They are the masters of regurgitation.

  • pale.emperor

    How many times did we hear "a friend of a friend" has this occasion happen to them where a JW woman called on a rapists door but he left her alone because he (allegedly) saw "two big men standing with her" who were "obviously" angels?

    Fortunately, the man went and raped the next non-JW visitor who called instead. How on earth that's a nice story I'll never know.

    That same story appears in other relgions and even on Snopes. But I heard it in the 1980s.


  • punkofnice

    Paley - I've heard several versions of this one over the years, not just in the Jobos but from other religions too.

  • LV101

    One experience was a doctor who had to bloviate how bad higher education is -- avoid it and just serve the cult. The speaker could not believe nor many of us. What a sick cult.

  • punkofnice

    LV101 - There were some of those ok. I remember one where some bloke had returned a card congratulating him on the birth of his kid because he said it was like a burfday card. How the hell that idiot got to relate such a didlow 'experience(tm)' was beyond me even then (late 1970's) Bowes Road, London. I didn't clap. Even back then as a fully brainwashed cult rat, it disgusted me.

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