Many of you who come to this site, no doubt, are deeply concerned about the future of the Organization. In addition,
not a few who post here would like to see the Watchtower Society fade away into history.
Let's consider a powerful trend among Witnesses,one that has been building up for decades:
In politics, it was once called the "Soviet Disease".
You control a great mass of people and are determined to root out all opposition. No dissent with be permitted.
Eventually, every impulse for renewal or reform is wiped out. The people meekly comply without any open complaint.
Initiative and creativity vanish almost completely. The people become weak and utterly dependent on the authority
of a self-exalted leadership. Adults turn into children, while privately succumbing to depression, alcoholism and thoughts
of suicide.
Now that you've digested that, let me tell how this organization has sunk into a stunning dependency:
Watchtower studies used to discuss complex issues and sometimes be 32 paragraphs long
Written Reviews ( not Oral) were long - and papers were turned in for GRADING!
Pioneering dropped form 100 hours to 90 hours to 70 hours a month
Publishers had to put in at least an hour a month, not 15 minutes, to be counted
Paragraphs were not read aloud before asking the question in meetings
They didn't have 3 contribution boxes in each Kingdom Hall
The Kingdom Ministry didn't tell you, word for word, what to say about each magazine.
Bethel service was "for life" - then "at least four full years" - then at least a year.
Bible studies had to study long complex books - like Let God Be True, Studies in the Scriptures, etc.
They didn't have to constantly "remind" ( i.e. beg) for contributions.
Witnesses could actually use a Bible and quote more than 2 or 3 verses
The Watchtower hadn't yet codified nearly every aspect of human existence, as it has now ( vasectomies, you name it)
There are dozens of similar observations you can add but if you wonder what the future of Jehovah's Witnesses is,
look in this direction.
Frankly, I have difficulty imaging how this process can end. Just how childishly dependent can Witnesses become?
How deep can this cajoling, threatening, nagging, and pleading amidst platitudes get? I continue to tell present
Witnesses I meet that in less than ten years they will be no different than any one else.