bohm you are referring to the most recent events where those being attacked by tought talking tough acting leftists have fought back.
Like I said, educate yourself, the path to violence was started by the left
Do you remember that ass hat Richard Spencer getting punched???
Do you remember Milo trying to speak in Berkley? there is no right movement that says physically attack those you disagree with, but guess what? Antifa does! Have you not heard their slogan of "by any means necessary"??? They have declared war on those who disagree. That is not protesting, that is terrorism.
The idea of turing this to violence CLEARLY started with the left, and any alt right whatever repsonse to it, has been coming. How long do you think AntiFa could talk about and carry out violent attacks against Alt Righters before they would start hitting back??? I am actually suprised it took this long for the right to return eye for an eye to be honest.
Stick your head back in the sand, as usual, you give a distorted view of facts that you are known for trying to twist discussions.
Yvette Felarca with the group "By Any Means Necessary" defends violence at UC Berkeley protest - says it should be the model for how the movement needs to take things in the future.