A precedent has been established .If it happened once it can happen again.
If Heaven is such a good place then how was it ever allowed to get to the state where a war was necessary.?
by smiddy3 12 Replies latest watchtower bible
And why did Michael cast Satan to earth? Why not some barren planet in a far away galaxy?
And why was "war" necessary? Just a snap of the fingers should have been enough to settle things.
ANYTHING can happen in a work if fiction....
Jewish mythology and legend---a.k.a 'The Bible'.
just saying!
I guess god is a fuckup - everything he touches turns to shit.
Or more likely, god is an invention of man rather than vice-versa, so reflects humanity at the time of invention. Just like all other gods in all other cultures.
Becasue heaven is just an imaginary concept drawn out of human imagination expressed as fictional mythology.
Therefore it does not follow through upon the rules of consequential logic.
Full disclosure: I am still in.
But I never did understand why if you create something and it breaks, that you just keep making more and more.
Man sinned, or broke, the talking snake, Satan, whatever.
If you are on a production line, you stop the line and fix it, right?
What am I missing?
Rub a Dub
Doug Mason
The idea of a "war inside heaven" was invented in the 3rd century BCE, when apocalyptic ideas began to flourish, notably with writings such as Enoch and Jubilees.
The idea was promoted by the Dead Sea Community (Esseenes?), who said that war events on earth reflected wars in heaven. Later Jewish writings, especially Revelation, continued the ideas.
Most Christian beliefs find their genesis in that period, generally known as the Second Temple Period -- rather than from the canonised Hebrew Scriptures. For example, the present-day ideas about Satan, which is relevant to the "war in heaven", comes from this Second Temple Period. The being named Satan in the OT is not the source of present-day ideas.
I do not know if the problem of Theodicy played a part in the rise of this 3rd century BCE apocalyptic movement. It likely was aided by the failure of the Jews to achieve their self-appointed expectations, which were thwarted by Greece in particular. The Book of Daniel, which was written in the 2nd century BCE (164 BCE) is the direct outcome of that political oppression combined with the apocalyptic fervour that had arisen a century earlier.
Worse.... who invented War? Who invented swords?.....
The spinning blades at eden.
You can't accept the bible without accepting it's god is a god of war.... a god of profound violence!