Bethel, slavery, and fishing lures

by seven006 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • seven006

    Every so often I get a phone call from JT and I thoroughly enjoy our conversations. No only do I learn a little more about the inner workings of Bethel, we also end up laughing to the level of blowing snot out of our noses. One of the topics that we discussed this time was the inability of farmers, short order cooks, and retired janitors disguised as elders that try to use their breakfast cereal box psychology to fix complex marital problems of their flock. I told him about three such elders from the small farm town congregation I use to go to that got called out of their homes to try and save a marriage.

    The main problem the troubled brother had was his wife wouldn't give him a blow job. One of the elders who went to this little gathering told me about it a few weeks later and both he and I laughed as he told me how the other elders tried to deal with the situation. JT and I gave our own "pretend elder" suggestions and the snot started flying. If you think about it, it really is quite a comical situation.

    The fact that the watchtower uses untrained, unqualified men to try and help people through their problems in life still makes me shutter.

    JT and I got into this topic because I missed his post about what happens financially to a Bethelite after leaving the Brooklyn Mecca. He posted in this thread last month

    I'm sorry I missed his post because it is quite an eye opener to the fact that the watchtower uses people and pays them slave wages to do things that they end up making a large profit on. Many worked in construction at Bethel and helped the watchtower society renovate buildings they had bought and then sold for a large profit that had nothing to do with the preaching work. They can get away with this because they are a "non profit religion" that uses "volunteer" workers to help them stuff their pockets. Then they go out and buy private airplanes that they use to take a few elite Bethel big boys on secret little fishing trips to Alaska.

    Slavery was abolished in the United states a long time ago but as you can see from JT's statement from the social security department, it is alive, and well, and also at this time, very legal in the good old Watchtower society of Brooklyn New York. This little trick is one of the things that keeps those who have spent most of their lives at Bethel and are fully aware if their corruption, silent.

    The whole time you are there you are not building up a dime to contribute to any kind of governmental social security for the time you hit retirement age. That money goes to fishing lures and airplane maintenance as well as many other things the rank and file JW never hears about. If you make one single little statement that does not follow the exact question and answer mentality taught by the JW leaders in their watchtower and book studies, you are tossed out of the club with nothing in life and that includes nothing for your future. That is the power of slavery, that is the watchtower.

    The country of France is starting to expose this kind human rights violation, hopefully that kind of government involvement will catch on here. I guess you can't really blame the elders for fumbling around on issues they have no knowledge of or professional expertise in handling. After all, they aren't paid for their work or loving counsel either.

    The old saying has some merit to it, "You get what you pay for". Is this a monumental scam or what?

    You'll know my people by their love for one another...but that doesn't include their leaders, you'll know them by how many free fishing lures they have on their hat!


    PS: JT, it was a blast (as usual) talking to you. I'm still wiping the snot off my shirt.

    PSS: I don't know if that poor brother got his blow job or not, but I heard he eventually got a divorce.

  • minimus

    About 5 years ago I talked to a Bethel Heavy at a District Convention about some of the "problems" our brothers go through in different areas. He said, especially in farmlands, there seems to be a number of problems with the farmers and some of their families. Evidently, a number of farmers have sex with animals. In the 70's, the Society did not allow divorce for beastialty but did allow it for oral sex. Much counseling goes on for the families of farmers because of the "beastality problem". ......JT, are you aware of this problem, too?

  • heathen

    That's news to me . I didn't know that they had private jets . I know they like to use volunteer labor on building projects and such , which I never saw a problem with , the amish do the same thing at barn raising and farm work . I'd have to draw the line on owning private jets even if I were a dub , good grief why the hell should I spend my own money and time selling magazines when they are flying around in jets at everyone elses expense?

  • seven006


    It's an airplane, not a jet. Jet's can't land in tiny little resort fishing villages. The JW's also don't have anyone who can fly a jet. That would take years of training and would take away from the preaching and construction work.


  • jst2laws


    Thanks for the post. I always enjoy them. Now go change your shirt, you slob.


    Sounds to me like your Bethel Heavy friend has issues. I'm sure that situation has occured but after 13 years in midwestern farm communities serving 'where the need was great' I never had a report of that sort of thing.


  • got my forty homey?
    got my forty homey?

    I remember certain things at Bethel that really sealed my doubts about the "truth".

    For instance room bid time was crazy! People cutting each others necks for a little piece of space.

    Or after prayers when it was allowed to take left overs from the meal. I remember seeing sisters running to the table with their plastic containers to get some leftover meat or donuts the minute the word Amen was uttered. I used to ask myself this is the WORLD HEADQUARTERS OF JEHOVAH!?

    Another thing that bothered me was all the backstabbing and politics for positions and titles.

    I can tell all of you these things and I know that pretty much all of you will believe me. But heaven forbid you tell this to a regular publisher at the congregation and they would be flabbergasted and would refuse to believe you. They might even make excuses for such behaivor saying things like room bidding is the fairest way to do things.

    Yet I remember some brothers marrying into seniority to sisters whose husbands passed away just to get the benifets of the sisters seniority. I remember a kinf older brother who came to bethel after retiring from the construction business for his skills in the industry. And his poor wife had this tiny cubbyhole for a room when she was used to having a home and the like. I remember she had a hutch with dishes and the like taking up the entire room! I felt like telling her I know you may have a sentimental value to this hutch, but it does not FIT IN THIS ROOM!

  • seven006


    Cut me some slack pal, I wash my shirt on Mondays. I aint got a wife ya know. I had one once, that's why I only own one shirt.


    That is something that really stuck with me from my week long trip to Mecca. Watching people jump over themselves for scraps of food. It was hard enough to eat at a table with a few thousand hungry people but trying to get through the rugby scrum was downright freighting. Those chicks coming at you with their loaded Tupperware scared the hell out of me.


  • minimus

    Just2---This guy telling me and another elder about this was in the Service Dept. He said it was a very common thing in farmland......After he told us about this "problem", he had to excuse himself because he was up to give a talk at the District Convention. I believe such a thing might happen more than we might realize. The majority of people still don't believe that child abuse occurs in the organization because they never knew of it---but it does happen.

  • heathen

    Thanks for the clarification on that one . Still there is no reason for them to have it and use it to go fishing . How big of an aeroplane is it ? There are some big ones that cost alot of money . For some reason I wasn't thinking landing in a small fishing village, there are major air ports in alaska .

  • FreeWilly

    Yeah, all the slick sistas had their 'gleaning' tupperware already in their hand during the prayer! They were pro's at scouting out the guest tables and promptly asking - "is anyone going to have anymore of the turkey etc". Those poor guests never knew what hit them! They would also scurry in front of you and pretend they didn't just cut your slow a$$ off on the way to the food.

    I also remember a guy who drove the Bethel vans for 15 years. He finally got married, but the sista had some health issues so they said "sorry, but you and your new wife haven't been accepted - buuuh bye." This guy was in his mid forties having to start all over with nothing.

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