First the update.
I haven't been myself lately. Those of you know know me have probably noticed. I haven't been posting very much. And this is in part due to my health problems and how they are affecting me.
I got those $400 orthotics to put in my shoes. I felt they supported the feet better but I have been waking up at night in terrible pain and not been able to get to sleep for a couple of hours. Up until now I haven't been on any prescibed medications. Between the pain and the lack of sleep I've just been trying to cope and it has been wearing me down.
The orthotics went back last week and I have ordered another pair. Maybe these will be better but I doubt it. If not I can get a refund if I return them within a month of trying them. That should give me enough time to see if they will give me some relief.
My doctor has finally prescibed something for the pain. He said it should also help the sleeping and the depression. This is a big step for me to take these meds. After everything I have been through regarding the abuse and the JWs I have never been on antidepressants.
But I think it is time to try it.If it doesn't work I can try other options.
I have found a couple of e-lists for people who suffer from chronic pain. As a result I have talked to a couple of people with very similar problems as well as a couple of people here. From what I am learning this isn't going to go away. The most I am hoping for is that it won't get worse.
My apology to the new ones I have not welcomed and to those who have been around a while and are having their own problems.
I love being here and love the friendship and support offered and given. I have no plans to leave. You can't get rid of me that easy