
by Mikejw 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • LongHairGal


    Good for you for not signing anything like this!

    I am a longtime ‘Fader’ who stopped maybe the end of 2001. They hadn’t yet started with this garbage about collecting people’s information. They had my then address and phone number and whatever stupidity they scribble on somebody’s card. That is sufficient info for them to have as far as I am concerned.

    Sorry for anybody who gave them anything more OR if they have details about any judicial committees, etc. Who can know what data base(s) it is in or will go into(?).. There is no confidentiality there and anybody on the forum who thinks otherwise is laboring under a delusion.

  • HappyDad

    The next step to being a JW will be having a chip put in you so they can track your comings and goings.

    'Oh my goodness, brother Soandso went to a bar. We need to have a meeting with him."

    "Look at this tracking brothers. Young sister Hottotrot went to Goodstuff Arena the night a rock concert took place. I always knew she would stray."

  • Balaamsass2

    Fascinating thread.

    How many EX Elders are on this site?

    How many CURRENT Elders are on this site?

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim

    .....how many elders??

    Youd be surprised.

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    For all pimo elders on this site it would be great if you could supply the exjw community with all internal memos like Atlantis did, to my knowledge I don't know of any other elder to do that on a regular basis, I wonder why that is?

  • Gorb

    There is a leaked jw.org video about Watchtower Information Service, a data collection with unique number for every publisher.

    The application contains all information about every individual witness.


  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    Where is that video Gorb?

  • Mikejw

    If Atlantis really isn’t able to post confidential elders letters anymore then I could. Although I do have concerns about being traced.

  • raymond frantz
    raymond frantz

    Well that will be great Mike , I can't see how you can traced though

  • Gorb

    The leaked video's are hard to find. It came from the IT or service department.

    Every witness has an unique number and record.

    They can make 3D query's about the ups and downs of a publisher.

    It came around +/- 2016.


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