
by Mikejw 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Diogenesister
    DW If she is a doubting JW, then she will never give out any such details to the elders in the first place itself. Simple.

    Well, not quite. Presumably she would have been a believing JW at some point and often that is the issue. There's often no way to get this information removed once a JW does wake up, no?

  • Rattigan350

    You all are so paranoid. They have no info on anyone unless people give them that info.

    The real question is, how would the Russian government or other governments know that people are JWs to arrest them?

  • FFGhost

    If anyone had any doubts this poster, and his 6 or 7 other aliases, is a troll, this topic should resolve it.

    It is complete and utter BS that “all elders” can see “all private details” of “every member”.

    Next step: 3 or 4 of those alias accounts will jump on this thread to tell me how wrong I am

  • Anony Mous
    Anony Mous

    @FFGhost - I’m not an alias, but back in the day I published some letters from a few different subject JCs here, so you know I’m legit and yes, those documents were kept digitally and yes, any elder in the congregation had access. Before that they were kept in large drawers full of documents in the library, again, any elder could access, even some MS got access if the BOE weren’t careful.

    There was a computer in the library of the KH and I retrieved a number of things after an elder failed (or didn’t know how) to log out.

    I understand that now they are told not to keep documents at the KH anymore and elders should not use the KH computer for this kind of business at all. And yes, your documents travelled with you if you moved to a different congregation.

    I left too far ago, it wasn’t called JWHub back then. I found login.jwpub.org through JWEvent.org if anyone in a non-extradition country wants to take a stab at seeing what is behind the login.

  • joe134cd

    Just thinking, what ever happened to Atlantis. Atlantis was a prolific poster, and the all of a sudden nada, zero, zip. How and where did he get all his leaks from.

  • TonusOH

    Atlantis has fallen very ill recently, there was a topic about it.

  • truthlover123

    Unfortunately Atlantis is still in a deep coma. Petra has put some information on here within the past week, along with Blondie. Check them out

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    What does PIMA mean, anyway? People invent acronyms without defining them.

    Oh, I guess that could be PIAWDT - People Invent Acronyms Without Defining Them.

    Definition of 'pima' 1. a member of a Native American people of southern Arizona and northern Mexico. 2. the Uto-Aztecan language of the Pima, closely related to Papago.

    So I suppose some elders are injuns. Big woof.

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