@FFGhost - I’m not an alias, but back in the day I published some letters from a few different subject JCs here, so you know I’m legit and yes, those documents were kept digitally and yes, any elder in the congregation had access. Before that they were kept in large drawers full of documents in the library, again, any elder could access, even some MS got access if the BOE weren’t careful.
There was a computer in the library of the KH and I retrieved a number of things after an elder failed (or didn’t know how) to log out.
I understand that now they are told not to keep documents at the KH anymore and elders should not use the KH computer for this kind of business at all. And yes, your documents travelled with you if you moved to a different congregation.
I left too far ago, it wasn’t called JWHub back then. I found login.jwpub.org through JWEvent.org if anyone in a non-extradition country wants to take a stab at seeing what is behind the login.