The GB have already declared that the increase of "professed anointed" doesn't matter. This was their alternative to being wrong...again. So, they could easily declare that the 144,000 is symbolic, and Dubs would buy it.
It's really their next, best move. A symbolic 144,000 waiting to be chosen would help explain the delay of the GT. Then, once 5 or 10 years passes from the inception of the "Overlapping Generation", they can revert to the "Generation" being the wicked. Those two doctrines, used in tandem, can be used to perpetuate the never-ending "GT = around the corner" dogma. I'm surprised they haven't done it already.
The current GB will die off, or become obsolete as far as the WTBTS is concerned. Sheesh....just look at Loesch! He looks half-dead, and bores even the most ardent Dub! New blood will have to take over, and some kind of doctrinal explanation will be needed. Since the new born-in crop are the worst Bible students of all time, they will except whatever they are told. After all, it's a social club/quasi-religion. They don't even practice charity.
I've been told by Eldubs to preach what the WT mag says, even if it's inaccurate. I was recently at a JW BBQ and Elders and their wives were getting krunked-up! ( Can't blame them, they are stressed out and just human.) I have no doubt that these younger Dubs will do ANYTHING that they are told.
Remember, the WTBTS has recently stated that the GB are authorized by Jeehoober to make "decrees." A decree is NOT a suggestion. The GB actually believe they are rulers of men. They are going to do whatever they have to do, and J-dumbs will go along with it.
Dubs are unique in that they have no personal beliefs, save Paradise Earth. Hell, most are accepting the fact that they will get old and die. As previously mentioned, since they have no real convictions about 99% of their doctrine, they will accept anything they are told, as long as they are special/chosen for eternal life at some point.