ADVANCED WARNING - April 18th to 24th WT Study

by Nicholaus Kopernicus 20 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • ToesUp

    So the rank and file are just supposed to roll over and think..."well the Elders are just imperfect men."

    BUT (A BIG BUT) when we make a mistake (remember, we are imperfect too), we are tarred and feathered. Total BS!

    This cult is despicable!


    I am now very afraid that I will start physically harming any JW who tries to get heavy with me over the stance I now hold in life - I am already in anger management for aggression related Directly to this cult -

    It was not good for me to read this - it has just triggered this maelstrom in my brain -

    "put up or shut up" is what they advocate here right ?

  • stuckinarut2

    Wow....this sort of stuff is disturbing...

    So the ones that mistreat should be excused? It is the problem of the one being mistreated??

    Didn't jesus say something about "the hairs of one's head being numbered"? Oh, except if the abuser is an elder....then the one being abused has the problem!

  • sir82

    This is exactly the sort of stuff that drives JWs with low self-esteem or emotional issues even deeper into a funk.

  • WTWizard
    Is this why they are so against magic? Justice demands black magic be performed against those who willfully abuse others, or they are going to continue abusing people. And a few rounds of black magic against the whole washtowel will threaten those at the top, perhaps with having to find real jobs and having those who support it having the rug pulled out from under them. Thus, since they don't want this to happen, they simply ban people from using magic at all.
  • Nicholaus Kopernicus
    Nicholaus Kopernicus

    The Jeremiah Book - Chapter 11

    "Shepherds in Agreement With My Heart" - para 4

    "Woe to any who neglect or lord it over their brothers or who adopt a harsh or arrogant attitude toward them!"

    The above quotation is a very short but also rare warning from the GBoJW's to it's temple police officers. The small paragraph from the Feb 2016 study WT is also very short, but radically different in approach. The book above was published about 6 years ago. Since then, how individuals are treated continues to worsen, and with not even a cursery glance on the matter with those who could influence things for the better. Today's GBoJW's knows that it has a problem with the retention and recruitment of temple police officers. The decent one's depart from the role (mentally) or actually resign such is their disdain for the gulf between what they thought was a shepherding role, and the actual policing/bullying role which it really is. So the GBoJW's today has to tread carefully for fear of offending its officers.

    Not to worry however as I can see things positively. Both I, the individuals whom I mentioned earlier who were brought to tears by the temple police, and other families who have been bullied and harassed for sponsoring their children for higher education, all these folks have closed their wallets to their local congregations and to the WTBTS. This is so gratifying to learn and encourage. So to the extent to which individuals similarly close their wallets is to the extent that the GBoJW's weeping and gnashing of teeth will be. These remote, insular, self-absorbed fellows don't know the value of GOOD WILL, nor how easily they are destroying it. Truly in denial they are!

  • Beth Sarim
    Beth Sarim
    This is what causes JW's anxiety, fear and depression problems.
  • problemaddict 2
    problemaddict 2

    I wonder when the last time a committee of three guys talking to some poor "sinner" in front of them said well.......I guess we will just "wait on Jehovah".

    My guess is pretty much never.

  • millie210

    Well, well, well.

    Buried under the strata layer of crap here, is the teensy admission that they know they have a problem...

    The sheep are bombarding them with complaints against elders.

    The quality of elders is going down as the standard has to be lowered just to find enough men to want the job.

    Those two things have collided and "look Houston, we have a problem" so in typical JW style their first attempt to address it is to browbeat the sheep.

  • flipper
    " In congregations of Jehovah's people today , it is very unlikely that we would be treated unjustly. " Uh-huh. Try telling that to hundreds if not thousands of JW children who have been molested by JW elders worldwide through the years. Bastards. Peace out, mr. Flipper

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