I just thought I would share this little gem that showed up in my e mail box. It seems to be making the rounds of Dubdom at the moment.
Rats and Rap Music
A traveling overseer was visiting a congregation recently, and had this interesting experience to
relate about 'RATS & RAP MUSIC'.
The brother said, "Yes, I've heard people say with regards to Rap Music. . "Oh!, I don't listen to the
words, I just like the beat. I don't know any of the words, . I just like the rhythm of the music."" He
then asked the audience, " Are you one of those people?"
Then he continued, "Let me tell you about a an experience I just heard. There was this young guy
who did an experiment with rats. He had a group of rats, and he taught each rat to go through this
maze he had set up. After a while he would time them, to see how long it would take the rats to get
through the maze. One the average, he found that it took this group of rats about 10 minutes to get
through the maze.
Then he divided the rats up into 3 groups.
The first group was kind of a controlled group, so he did absolutely nothing to change their
routine for two weeks.
With the 2nd group of rats he put a speaker on top of their cage, and for 10 hours a day he
exposed them to classical music. He did this for two weeks.
However, with the 3rd group of rats he put a speaker on top of their cage, and exposed them to
hardcore Rap music for 10 hours a day for two weeks.
After the two week period, he took the first group of rats and had them go through the maze
routine just as he had taught them to do. It took them 10 minutes to go through the maze, just as
they had always done.
The 2nd group of rats that were exposed to the classical music went through the same maze,
and he found that it took them only 8 minutes to do it, . . .. so it had shaved 2 minutes off the time it
had originally taken that group.
Then he took the 3rd group of rats that had been exposed to Rap music, and had them go
through the same maze routine. The brother asked the audience, "Do you know how long it took
that 3rd group of rats to traverse the maze?"
The congregation was very quiet. The brother astonished them when he said, "Would you believe it
took that 3rd group of rats 20 minutes? The exact same maze they were originally able to get
through in 10 minutes now took them twice as long.
Do you see how the Rap music slowed them down mentally, . . . and the rats didn't know what the
words were either." Interestingly, he then continued on, and said that the young man couldn't
continue the experiment any further, and he asked, "Do you know why?" The audience was quiet
again, and the brother explained, "The rats that had been exposed to the Rap music for 10 hours a
day for two weeks started to kill each other!"
Then the brother.concluded with the thought provoking question, "Do you really think that such
vulgar, profane Rap music has no effect on you?"